Welcome to My version of the Fortnite Lore

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Thank you for actually taking the time to read this! I have been playing Fortnite for quite a while now so I can tell you that you are in good hands. The reason for making this is because I'm SICK AND TIRED of forgetting parts of the lore as I try and go off the top of my head and I don't want to keep this information to myself.

This is an in-depth analysis about Fortnite though due to the fact that I'm a 17-year old student who needs to do homework, somethings might be simplified a little. Like the first four seasons are bunched up into one explanation due to the fact that nothing really happens that is really big, also I personally believe some of these whole seasons or a whole arch of a season is filler and I will say that as clearly as I can.

Lmao again thank you for like wanting to read this and sorry 

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