Part 1

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Previously, on Jim x [female] reader:

"I have only one question, Merlin," I finally spoke.

"And what is that, lady (Y/n)?" The wizard asked.

"How did I lose my memory in the first place?" I inquired.

"I was afraid you'd ask. Unfortunately, when I looked inside of your head, I I happened to have found traces of magic from an ancient party known as the Arcane Order." Merlin waved his hands, creating a projection. It showed three beings within the group. "I believe one of them used the obliviation spell, though the question of why is beyond me."


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(Present Day: Camelot powered by Avalon)

"Is there something that bothers you, your majesty?" A deep voice broke my thoughts. I looked at an old, pudgy man steering the castle.

Who was he?

"Not in the slightest, sir Galahad," I replied flatly. "Please, call me (Y/n)." I turned my gaze on the horizon.

His voice was so familiar.

"Of course." He took a few steps in my direction, looking off into the distance as well. "I know that face, (Y/n). It may have been a while, but I remember it clear as day."

I recognized the emblem on his armor.

"Face? What face?" I questioned, knowing exactly what he was talking about. "I'm not making any face."

"You're not still worried about that knight, now, are you?" Sir Galahad returned to the steering wheel.

"It wasn't just any knight," I protested, looking back. "it was someone from Camelot!"

"Do not concern yourself too much. Merlin should be on his way back any moment now."

"Still, I can't help but inquire who he was.." I turned my gaze onto the horizon once more. I saw Merlin's ship emerge from the clouds with a few passengers.

"Sir Galahad!" He called. "How look the skies?"

"All quiet, my old friend!" The man responded with a wave.

"Keep your eyes on the horizon!" Merlin commanded. I ran as fast as I could to the court, where they would be landing. My feet pounded against the stairs, flight after flight, until I reached one of the balconies that hung over the room. I stopped to catch my breath, looking over the side.

"Merlin's recruits?" A small female voice asked curiously.

"Ah, yes," I panted, looking in her direction. "I'm sorry, I don't believe I've caught your name." I stared at the short girl, noting her leafy skin and strange corresponding outfit.

"Nari," she squeaked shyly.

"Well then, Nari. That's a nice name. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must get down there with haste." With that, I ran the rest of the way down. My friends were already embracing each other.

"Woah, hey, Steve's here too!" I heard a familiar voice shout out. "How 'bout-- how 'bout some love for Steve?"

"Steve!" I called, running towards him.

"(Y/n)!" He hugged me and my eyes landed on someone else, who gave a slight wave.

"Oh.. hey, Douxie.." I said flatly. "What have you been up to?!" I turned back to Steve excitedly.

"Oh, nothing much.. just taking down a fifty foot extraterrestrial," the boy struck a pose. "No big deal.."

"No big deal, huh?" I playfully mocked.

"And I have a girlfriend," Steve continued proudly.

"What? Since when?!" I grinned.

"(Y/n)," Merlin called agitatedly. "We must move quickly. Precious time is slipping away!" I rolled my eyes before following him.

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We arrived in the room Jim was being unconsciously held in.

"What happened to him?" Toby asked worriedly. I hung my head, remembering the event.

"We were ambushed," Blinky informed. "Some ancient, dark warrior. An unstoppable knight clad in green.. who struck down Master Jim."

"Master," Douxie began. "Is that the same knight we saw at the bookstore?"

"One and the same," Merlin answered.

"Wait, Master, you saw him again?" I blurted. "Please tell me you saw the emblem he wore!"

"Indeed.. Now, we must move quickly. That onyx shard is working its way towards Jim's heart. I placed the boy in stasis, stalling its progress.. for now.."

"I could've saved him." The words rolled off of my tongue. "If I had--"
"Nonsense. This mystery knight would've inevitably struck down our warrior sooner or later," Merlin cut me off.

"Who is this green knight?" Toby growled. "And how do I get my hands on him?"

"I do not know," Merlin looked at his staff for a moment. "The green knight said but one name which chilled me to the bone: Morgana.."

"Ooh.. I hate that lady.." Toby's voice was near a whisper. "Wait-- I thought we kicked her bewitched butt to the shadow realm!"

"Which he appeared not to know," Merlin retorted. "But he bore the emblem of Camelot."

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"Come with me, quickly!" The old wizard marched through the castle. "I fear the answer lies in the past.. A dark menace is coming. One even I can't face alone." Merlin led us into his tower and pulled out a time map. "You are all now soldiers, and the war started centuries ago for the world of magic." He began spinning the map, creating holograms inside. "Once, the worlds of magic and man clashed in endless bloodshed. King Arthur, (Y/n)'s birth father, sought to wipe out magic that ravaged the lands in his war against Gunmar. I brought what few spellcasters I could under my protection to spare them from the sword.."

"Including myself," Douxie added, "(Y/n) Pendragon, Oh! And Morgana le Fay."

"She was the finest student I ever taught," Merlin continued. "Until she tried to kill me."

Yeah, yeah.. enough with the backstory. I want to know who this knight is! Why was he wearing Camelot's emblem? Why was he killing Jim if he was looking for Morgana? Is he even a he?

There was suddenly a loud boom from outside, shaking the entire castle.

"What was that?!" I yelled.

"Have you never been under attack before?" Merlin retorted.

SEQUEL: (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now