Part 13

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(A/N): Omg you guys I've been really distracted lately, so I'm gonna start writing my book of one-shots. I'll still be updating this one as well though. Enjoy!

The tournament began. I was unable to focus on it. My father's words echoed in my mind.

"If the people find out you've been associated with trolls, it will be my neck. Chaos will ensue."

My eyes darted around, carefully scanning people's faces and expressions. No one across the way seemed to have a clue. A disturbing thought suddenly slithered into my mind as I slipped away from my father's side, unnoticed.

The knights. The knights were in the forest. No doubt they saw what happened.

As if on cue, there was an uproar in laughter near me. The guards in the nearest doorway were chatting up a storm.

"They say it stopped mid-fight just to stare at her!" A middle-aged man stated. There was more laughter. I listened, feeling uneasy.

"My.. the Prince of Darkness, himself, fallen for the princess.." a second voice sighed. It was older, but not by much. "In all seriousness, however, what say you of the King?"


"He's gone soft.. He lets that daughter of his do anything she so desires. If the monster truly has fallen, they'd be the first to know."

"Ah," a new voice entered, deeper than the others. "Meaning the beast shall not die by the hand of the tournament winner, and she will not be married."

"Whatever do you mean?"

"You feeble-minded fools! The King only has his daughter left. It's quite obvious he values her opinion. I regret if I wasn't clear. It matters not who wins the tournament, but who the princess chooses. While the King would prefer that she marry he who wins, it's obvious he has a soft spot for his daughter's desires." I had enough. I turned the corner suddenly, glaring in the direction of the guards. The youngest one noticed my presence first, stiffening his posture before trying to get the others to pay attention. I cleared my throat, causing them to turn at the sound.

"Your highness, we were, um--" I didn't let the man finish. He was short and pudgy, about the size of Galahad, yet less old and slightly thinner.

"What is this mockery?" I growled. "I'm not so sure my father would approve of this.. whatever this is." The men stared in shock, not one of them daring to speak. "You would do well to hold your tounges, unless you desire an execution.. or three.."

"Apologies, your highn--" The youngest man began. I didn't let him finish.

"I don't need to hear it. You are only sorry that you've gotten caught.. And for your information, Bular and I are most certainly not romantically interested in each other." With that, I made my way down the corridor, stopping to listen around the corner.

"I'll bet she's going to see him." The oldest man mumbled.

"Enough of this, or they'll have our heads," the youngest one hissed. I rolled my eyes before heading down the stairs to the arena.

I didn't stop there, however. I was on my way to find my past clone. It wouldn't be easy. Merlin had hidden her away for a reason, but I didn't care. I needed a break.


Merlin's tower was a long ways away from the arena. My feet were aching by the time I reached the top of the stairs; I was sure I had blisters. My own giggle caught my attention just as I was reaching for the door. I whipped around to see the hallway curve into a darker corridor lit by torches.

"Hisirdoux," My voice was quiet and excited,"we can't-"

"Hush, it's not like anyone shall catch us; they're all at the tournament.." Hisirdoux's voice sounded as well. Confused, I walked around the corner to find him pressing his lips against her neck passionately. A horrified expression spread across my face.

"Ew!" I cried, my hand flying to my throat. It was a sad attempt to get the image out of my mind. The two looked in my direction, eyes growing wide.

"(Y/n), I--" Hisirdoux began.

"Wait, darling, no, it's fine," past me stated, gently setting a hand on his shoulder. "She's me."

"No...." I whispered, my breathing getting heavier. "No, no, no, no, no.." I shrank down to the ground, hoping I could just disappear. "I don't.. I don't remember this.." Is that why Douxie was uncomfortable when he came to school that day?

"What do you mean?" The clone asked worriedly. Oh my god. He was really uncomfortable when we were talking about that triple date..

"Wait... no, that can't be.." I whimpered. "But Jim..."

"Who's Jim?" Hisirdoux asked.

"Hisirdoux!" Merlin cried. "Where have you gone off to this time?!" He burst into the corridor. "Oh, this is a disaster! No matter.. You two, in here. With me. You," the Wizard pointed at me angrily. "You should be down at the tournament."

"Master, I need a break!" I shouted, "all of this is so overwhelming, and I'm not sure how long I can keep this up!"

SEQUEL: (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now