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It was a day later when Dream returned again. Just a week till his birthday. Tommy was staring at his compass when the door opened, watching the needle move as he turned it. When he heard Dream enter he quickly shoved it under his pillow. He hid things like that under his pillow or his bed. He found it outside of the house during one of the sessions where he exercised his wings. It had a marking on it, a sphere surrounded by unconnected points. Like a star. The marking was on a lot of the things he found.

He left his room and made his way to the front of the house as Dream set down his bags. Immediately noticing the man's mood was different than usual. His hoodie was dirty, covered in mud and a dried red substance. Tommy realized somewhat sadly he wouldn't get a comforting forest hug. "Tubbo" the man barked out. Tubbo appeared from behind him, wide-eyed with a nervous posture. The bruise on his face almost completely healed by then, it was never really dark to begin with, but still an unsettling reminder to Tommy why he acted so nervous. Dream pulled his hoodie off and practically shoved it into Tubbo's arms. "Wash it" he adjusted his black shirt that was underneath. It had lifted when he pulled the hoodie off.

Tommy's eyes landed on his brother's bare arms. He rarely saw them and they were covered in various scars that ranged in shapes and sizes. He knew Dream was a fighter but to see someone scarred was odd to Tommy. "Yes sir," Tubbo said meekly as he disappeared back down the hallway. Tommy shifted rather uncomfortably. Dream never made Tommy call him sir.

Dream watched him go with a look on his face Tommy couldn't quite recognize. His brother looked to him and smiled. "Do you want to go flying today?" A question he wanted to be asked. Tommy's wings flapped a bit on impulse and he couldn't help but smile wide. All the negative thoughts he had recently suddenly disappeared. "Of course" Then he remembered the fact that unless he said something Tubbo would yet again not join them when they go outside. Since he was in the laundry room. Tommy wanted Tubbo to come. It was the least he could do. It had been over a year now since Tubbo was allowed to go with them. "Can uh" anxiety pooled in his stomach. Asking Dream for things was always hard. Especially when things were tense. He opened and closed his hands a few times before stopping. Remembering Dream didn't like his fidgeting. "Can Tubbo come?"

Dream's smile didn't quite reach his eyes anymore. "Of course" He responded. "I'll go get him" Tommy watched him make his way to the laundry room. Dream said yes, there was no reason for him to feel so sick over it. He stood waiting, oblivious to the quiet but harsh words being spat at the ram boy just a dozen feet away. Pretending to be oblivious anyways. They'd go outside and it would be great. Everything would be perfectly fine. The two appeared again, Tubbo walking behind Dream with his head and eyes down submissively. Tommy just moved forward and grabbed Tubbo's hand pulling him along. Dream opened the door and Tommy took a deep breath of the fresh air. After walking to the center of the front land inside the fenced barrier he abandoned Tubbo's hand and instantly went into the air.

He flew around for a while, the wind through his feathers felt amazing. Tubbo watched from the ground smiling fondly. He waved at Tommy a few times. Tubbo couldn't fly but Tommy knew he was still happy to be outside. He was glad asking Dream was the right thing to do. Dream stood with his arms crossed leaning against the house. His eyes constantly watching the tree line beyond the fence. He looked so many times Tommy would go as far to say it was borderline paranoia.

With Dream not watching Tommy thought about landing after spotting another thing on the ground. Something to add to his collection. It was just outside the fence. He contemplated it for a good 10 minutes. Dream wouldn't mind if it was just a moment. He wouldn't even notice. Tommy landed outside the fence and grabbed the fabric from the ground. It was a small rectangle that had the same marking. The fabric was blue and white. He stuffed it into his pocket and took off again, back within the fence of the house. Tubbo looked at him with alarmed eyes, obviously noticing Tommy went outside of the fence. The ram boy didn't mention it.

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