Chamber of secrets 8

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A/N: my bestie Heather got back into her middle school obsession. The Maze Runner....Yay.... Cleo had moved onto the coach because all she hears at night is Heather crying. All we hear is ", NEWT!! MY BABY!!WHYYYYYYYYYY!" She's been watching at the movies he is in too! All we hear on her laptop is "Benny Watts this, Benny Watts that" Then we hear her yelling at Beth. Also my sister just started her TikTok. NovemberMarletAnderson go check it out. The drawing above is just a sneak peak. Oh and @NikkiReviewsShit your ship is coming true.


Many nights had past, and I saw Hermione Granger  and Penelope Clearwater rounding corners with a mirror. I went to walk up to them but they froze.  I went and shook Penelope's shoulder but she wouldn't budge. I realized that they had just been petrified. I pulled the note about basilisks out of my pocket and stuffed it in Hermione's hand. Footsteps came closer to me so I ran as fast as I could.

A few nights later, I was washing my hands in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. When Ginny walked in, opened up a while in the fricking sink, and jumped down. "Bloody hell Gin," I jumped after her because, why not?


I was walking along when I saw Athena, Harry, and Ron entering the girl's bathroom. "Where are we going?" I whispered to Athena. "Oh, Merlin! You scared me! Oh, yeah, we are going into the Chamber of Secrets. "Cool! Let me go grab a rooster real quick," I said going to turn around. " Why do we need that? There's no time anyways Ginny is missing. Also Kiaria is missing, but who cares about her. DOWN!" He said that last part pushing Professor Lockhart down a hole in the sink. I walked up to Harry and Ron pushing them down the whole. That's what they get for saying that about Kiaria. Athena and I grabbed hands and jumped down together. We hit the ground to to have Lockhart fly over our heads and hit the rocks. I bent down and picked up a little mouse skull ", OHH! My cat would love this. It will make her feel like she actually caught something,and didn't lay on Cho's bed all day."

When I looked up I saw that me, Athena, and Harry were separated from Ron. I then turned around to see Harry saying ", Hasiejsisbsjid," To a door. He really going insane from staying down here this early? Wow!

I poked my head through the door to see and unconscious Ginerva. I also say Kiaria siting in the floor by Ginny's body talking to a strange man. "So, would it be okay if I set you up with my friend? This guys likes her but won't make a move. Yeah, I know we are twelve but I just wanna plan ahead. You, how old are you again? Well it don't matter because it would make him so jealous," I heard Kiaria say as I climbed down the ladder. As I  looked at the strange man I realized he was kind of cute.

I was sitting on the floor next to Kiaria watching Athena and Harry fight the Basilisk. " Mister. Riddle, Sir? " I asked looking up at you ", Who do you think will win?" "My basilisk is sure to win," he said. " I don't know. Athena is freakishly tall," I started picking at my nails. "True, Kiaria stated ", Look! Fawkes is bringing something. It's an old hat.... wow, you don't help this situation at all, bird. You really are Dumbledore's bird."  Athena then pulled out a sword and slashed the big snake. She then threw the sword to Harry. " Fine, I admit Athena is a good contender, but Harry is no match," Tom said. "Agreed," Me and Ki said in unison.

~ Kiaria~

Yay! Harry saved the day, got a prize, and got exams canceled. Why do I even bother studying? I saw Wayne at his table looking miserable. Soon enough I walked over there and sat down next to him. "Hi," Whayne looked at me when I said that. "Hello- Do you think I have a chance with Ginny? In the future at least?" He said. I almost spit out my drink. " planing for the future, I do that too! Yes, I do think you have a chance, I stated. "Thank you, Kia," Wayne then hugged me. I the hug felt good, but the new nickname. He would be the only one who could ever call me that. I mean he was just special to me.

I was walking by the Muggle Studies classroom when I heard Rumor and Blaise talking. " I never knew you played piano!" Blaises voice said. I looked through the small crack in the door. " yeah, I was left alone at home a lot as a child. So, I learned to do many thinks while alone in the peace and quite," Rums said looking at Blaise. "Why? If you don't mind me asking?" He walked closer to her. "I don't know why, but when ever there was big parties I was told to stay in my room. When my family went out to big dinners I stayed home, read, write songs, played piano, and studied languages?" Rumor slipped off the bench," we should go. We don't wanna be late for the train," she said walking to the door. My flight or fight response clicked in. I ran as fast as I could to the train station.

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