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"Woah." You mumbled.

"Huh?" Annie said.

"The clouds, they're beautiful."

Annie looked up and her eyes widened. She hadn't realized how late it was already.

"Wait what?!" Annie looked at her watch. "It's six already??"

"Mhm." you replied.

Annie smiled and giggled a little. You stared into her eyes, as the sun reflected on them and made them glisten beautifully.

You looked over at Annie, and she looked back. You gave her a smirk. She held back a smile, and you waiting for her to say something.

"You wanna race~~?" Annie asked.

"Oh you bet I do." you dragged your foot down a crack on the side walk. "Here. This is the starting line."

"And the finish line?"

"Hmmm. How about the next turn?" You said while looking ahead down the long sidewalk at the corner.

"Mhm." Annie mumbled while starting to strech her arms.

"Ready, set," you started to say, in a ready position.

"Wait wait!" Annie yelled, then smiled a little.


"I need to tie my shoe." She stated.

You glanced at her, blinking your eyes. "You're just like a kid y'know."

"Whatever." she rolled her eyes sarcastically.

"Ok, you count down." you said.

"K. Ready, set...." she paused for a long time, "GO!"

In the middle of racing you turned your head to look at Annie. Her hair had come undone and was flowing behind her beautifully. You quickly looked ahead again and tried to race in front of Annie.

You had both reached the corner and were trying to catch your breath.

"I.." Annie took in a deep breath, "I .. won." Annie continued to place her hands on her knees and breath in and out.

You placed your hand on your hips and looked at Annie. "Yup. Guess you won this time."

"Heh." Annie giggled. "I'll win everyime."

"Hey look it's the store!" you pointed down the road and looked at the grocery store in front of you, that also had some other places next to it. Like nail salons, a pizza place, a bank, all of that.

Without exchanging a word, you and Annie ran towards the parking lot. You had reached the parking lot and decided to walk the rest of the way to the store.

You and Annie walked into the markets doors and looked left, then right, deciding which way you would turn first.

"Hey! I have an idea!" You exclaimed.

"Ok, what are you planning?" Annie said calmly.

"You go right, I'll go left. We can both get 2 small snacks for each other. When were done, meet up here and we can get the big snacks that were going to share."

Annie nodded, then headed off to the right side of the store.

(Y/N's pov)

Hmmm... what should I get for Annie. I know she likes to eat healthy to keep her body in shape, but I know she definitely forgets sometimes and eats the most sugar loaded snacks. Maybe I should get her something salty, like goldfish.

I walked through the isle's, looking for something salty for the first snack.

The chip isle! I started walking down it, looking at each bag of chips.

Cheetos would be a good choice. I looked at all the options of Cheetos.
Hmmm, maybe I should get hot Cheetos, but maybe she doesn't like those. What about... Cheeto puffs?

Then, I saw a bag of hot Cheeto puffs. Perfect!

(Annie's pov)

Two snacks.. Maybe y/n would like something sweet. Not like I have many options, this side of the store is mostly candy, bread, and sandwich meat.

I'm wondering through the cheese section. I don't know if I'll find anything though.

Wait, look! There's a single string cheese! I didn't know they sold those... let's get it.

(End of Annie's pov)

You headed back to the meeting place, hoping Annie was already done with getting the foods. There Annie stood, with two snacks in her hands, leaning against the wall waiting for you.

"Ok, so what'd you get?" Annie asked.

"Ok first. I got this bag of hot Cheeto puffs, I got it because I know you like spicy things." you said, then started to explain your second snack.

After you were done sharing the snacks you picked out, Annie went next. She explained the snacks and why she chose them.

Adventures with Annie Leonhardt- (Annie x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now