I. The Thompson's

136 1 0

October 15, 2018


I groaned and rubbed my face before reaching over and turning off my alarm. I was hesitant on opening my eyes but Rocco decided to jump on me and start licking my face. A groaned escaped my mouth as I sat up.

"Why do I need an alarm when I have you coming in and lick my face every morning?" I asked.

Rocco barks before he jumps off of me. It took me a minute but I got up and turned on my light and let Rocco out of the room then closing the door again. The cold floor touching my feet was what I hated the most about mornings. My room was big and my grandma helped me decorate it to my liking. Dad, as usual, wanted to help at something so he designed my closet.

(A/N: Instead of purses, it's backpacks and sneakers or whatever you want)

I opened the door and sighed to myself. Just 3 more days, Clai. Then you can sleep in all weekend and chill. I grabbed the folded set of clothes that was sitting on the middle table and quickly changed and did my morning routine.

"CC, you awake?!" Dad yelled as he knocked on my door.

"Yes sir!" I said as I looked in the mirror.

"Well breakfast is done so come down in a minute!" He yelled.

"Okay!" I said.

The lights turned off in my closet and I grabbed everything I needed before going downstairs. Dad sat in the dining room and read his newspaper as I grabbed my plate.

"The Oakland Eagles beat the Tigers 65 - 42 with the help of Clai Thompson's 23 points, 6 rebounds, 10 steals, and 4 assists. I love it, keep working kiddo." Dad said and gives me a fist bump.

"I wouldn't have done it without Stephanie, Draya, Kavia and Andrea though." I said.

"If you girls keep this up, you will be the best team in California." He said.

"We already are." I said.

As we were eating, the doorbell rings and I got up.

"That's Stephanie, gotta go." I said and walked to the door.

"Wait!" Dad said.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"You almost forgot your notebook." He said and puts it in my backpack.

"Thank you." I said.

"Have a good day, be good. Love you!" He said as I opened the door.

"Love you too!" I said and he closes the door.

I turned to Stephanie who was smiling very big at me.

"Why do you look stupid?" I asked.

"Because you and your dad are so cute." She said.

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