Chapter 1

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All you could hear on the other dies of the door was the sound of stomping, mostly covered up by the music playing.

"Looks like someone is already here," Suga said as he and Daichi walked up to the door.

"Well, we gave Kageyama the key to the studio so it should be one of the first years,"

The door slowly creaked open, the music much louder.

"Ugh fuck, why can't I get this right?"

"Uh, Tadashi?" Sugawara said as he set his bag down in the corner.

Yamaguchi flinched at the words. "Oh! Suga! You scared me,"

"How long have you been practicing?" Daichi asked.

"Only an hour I think,"

His eyes widened. "An hour!?!"

"You know we still have practice right?" Suga questioned, digging through his bag.

"Yea, I just want to get better, we do have a competition soon. I don't wanna hold the class back,"

"Tadashi...You are amazing. Obviously, you should practice but don't overwork yourself. Now! Go put your pointe shoes on, we're gonna do that combo I taught you last week,"

When the first years joined the club Yamaguchi was the only one who was open to trying pointe. Suga, being the only person on the team who knew how to, took Yams under his wing. At least twice a week at the start of practice, Suga would give him a small private lesson.

Now that Yamaguchi has gained experience the two will just come up with random combos to do. Today's combo consisted mostly of Leaps. They started in the corner of the room so they could go diagonal and have more room. First was a switch leap then right into a Tour Jeté. Then two Chaînés into another switch leap. Both of them were completely in sync. Yamaguchi's switch leap needed work but it still was beautiful.

"Hey, Suga? What if the next combo is like four Chaînés into a leap then we roll onto the floor? Cause like I really need to work on my leaps," Yamaguchi asked, leaning on the bar connected to the wall.

"Yeah sure why not, leaps are really fun to me anyway. But we need to get ready for the rest of class now that everyone is here,"

The rest of the class went as normal. Daichi yelling at Tanaka, Noya, and Hinata. The third years choreographing their dance, occasionally asking for ideas. They had a competition in about 2 months, they needed to finish the dance so they could start cleaning it up. They chose to do a hip-hop routine this time around. There are a few minor lifts here and there. Just because Hinata and Noya are very small so they are easy to incorporate.

<After Dance Class/Practice>

"Nice job today guys, We finally finished the dance. Tomorrow we will be cleaning so be prepared for living hell. Now go home and rest" Daichi said, going over to the speaker and unplugging his phone.


"Yea Suga?"

"Do you wanna stay for a bit longer? There's this really cool turn combination I want to try,"

"Ooooo, Have you talked to Takeda about us doing a duet at the competition?"

"Yes! I did!"


"He said yes!"

"Yay! My first dance that isn't a group one,"

Yamaguchi walked toward his bag so he could change shoes.

"So do you already have a song and style picked out or?"

"Yea, I was thinking we could use this song," Suga plugged his phone into the speaker and started playing (Insert a good song for ballet cause idk)

"And of course we are doing pointe cause that's what I'm best at,"

"So my opinion just doesn't exist huh?" Yams thought making a face in the direction of his bag so Suga wouldn't see.

Yamaguchi always had a natural talent for creating dances. He would just start doing improv and go from there. He had a few ideas for when Suga and he got to do a Duet, but of course, Suga chose pointe. Tadashi understood it though, most of the time the class would be HipHop or breakdancing, occasionally jazz. They rarely got to do different styles as a whole. Only when they would have a 'free day' where they work on whatever they want to work on. When Suga gets the opportunity to do something different nine times out of ten he will chose pointe. Yamaguchi on the other hand LOVED contemporary. He had been choreographing a dance by himself for the past 2 weeks. Every day he comes early to work on it.

"Tadashi you ok?"

"Huh? Oh- yea sorry,"

"So they dance starts off like this,"

<Yamaguchi POV>

My feet are killing me

Why couldn't Suga pick contemporary

"Ugh, Do you think we could stop for the day,"

"Aww come on yams, one more time from the top,"

I swear this is gonna kill me

How long is this dance?

Am I doing it wrong?

Is this a double or triple?

What did we do here?

Can I go home now?

"Ok that was really good for the first day, I think we could do this every other day? Does that work?"

"Mhm, yea that works,"

Wait did he say every other day?!

I wasn't even paying attention

Welp, I'll be dead by the end of the week

At least I can go home now

<3rd Person POV>

Yamaguchi had a hard time walking home because of how much work he did today.

Before school, he practiced a bit since he had the key. After school ended he rushed to the studio so he could get a few extra minutes to himself. Then he would stay after class a bit either practicing by himself or with Suga. This is how it went every day for him. There was rarely a day he wasn't sore or tired. No one noticed though. His behavior always stayed the same. He was still positive and determined. He would still have small outbursts when he couldn't get a move right. Nothing changed...on the outside.

1006words not including this little thing

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