Chapter 5

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During lunch, the teams were separated. Each one had a separate table. They were sitting outside in a courtyard thingy(how else was I supposed to describe it). The picnic tables were pretty average. The schools had two each so it could fit everyone. You could hear everyone talking and laughing.

"Soooo, Tadashi?" Suga said, picking up his fork.

Yamaguchi flinched at the mention of his name.

"Uh, yeah?"

"You and Terushima huh?"

"Wha- No- It's not like that- It was just a dance," Tadashi stuttered out.

"No that was not 'Just a dance',"

"Yes, it was! What makes you think something is going on!?"

"The lift, no scratch that. Fucking everything about that dance!"

"Ok but we do lifts together all of the time, nothing is going on with us,"

"Or is there,"

"SHUT UP NOYA," The two said in unison.

"Ok back to this, The whole vibe was just different than when me and you do lifts,"

"No Suga no, there nothing is going on,"

"Ok then tell me why you taught him THAT dance, one that you obviously choreographed. When we practice for our dance you rarely help, I do most of the choreographing, So why?"

"I just wanted someone to do that dance with, and you always want to do pointe and I didn't want to take that away from you,"


"Nope, I'm done. I'm not doing this," Tadashi put his hands up in surrender.

"He even looking at you, right now,"

"NO! We are done talking about this. I'm going to the bathroom," Yamaguchi stood up to walk away.

"No, I'm not done talking, I need answers,"

"OIKAWA COME GET YOUR BOYFRIEND!!!" Tadashi shouted and then ran. Leaving Suga and Oikawa both a blushing mess. All of the teams were currently starting at Karasuno's table. It was quiet, apart from a few snickers here and there.

"You heard him shittykawa go get your boyfriend,"

"Iwa-Chan! We are not dating,"

"Not yet at least," Iwaizumi whispered that last part so only Hanamaki, Matsukawa, and Kyōtani could hear.

<With Yamaguchi>

Yamaguchi left for the bathroom. On his way, he heard footsteps, loud hard footsteps. It sounded like someone was falling. He looked inside to see who it was and to his surprise it was-

"You know I can see you right?"

"I- Um- Sorry?" Yamaguchi's face was red in embarrassment.

"But now that you are here, could you help me with this part of the dance, I got it once and can't get it again?"

"Sure, What part?"

"So it's the shoulder roll. I forgot how to do it,"

"Ok, so it goes like this. You want to look at your right hand and keep your left hand near your head. Once you roll back if you are looking at your hand you should automatically roll over your shoulder instead of your head,"

"Oh ok um let's see," Terushima started to roll back.

"NO! Teru. Your RIGHT hand. Not your left. You are going to break your neck, I swear," Yamaguchi's voice was loud and slightly condescending.


"Oh my god, you are a dumbass. Ok try again,"

"Ok, you got it!"

"Wait really!? I did it?"

"Yes, now we should probably go back outside. Daichi and Ennoshita are probably looking for me"

"Ok yea sure, The rest of my team probably ran off to do something so I'll just follow you"

Yamaguchi and Terushima were walking towards the tables talking about the dance.

"Oh. My. God. Wait. You said you were going to the bathroom, and you came back with Terushima. Tsukishima pay up"

"Wait- What- NO! Holy- Suga no! Get your mind out of the gutter. I was just helping him do a shoulder roll"

"Ha! I told you, I don't have to pay you jack shit"

Suga rolled his eyes "Ugh."

Yamaguchi and Terushima sat down across from Suga.

"So how are you and your boyfriend's dance coming along?"

Suga glared at Yamaguchi "I swear! One: Wipe that smirk off your face Tadashi! And two: He's not my boyfriend!"

"Guys stop bickering like children, that's Hinata and Kagayamas job," Dachi stood up. "Now we should get back to practicing, Also Ennoshita it's your turn to deal with Hinata and Kagayama"

Teru and Yams walked back to their studio.

"I'm sorry about Suga, He's just like that"

"It's fine he was pretty funny"

"Since we just ate we probably shouldn't jump right into the dance. Is there something you wanna do in the meantime?"

"I honestly don't know"

<Time skip: like an hour cause I ran out of ideas>

"Are you warmed up still? Do you want to stretch real quick?"

"No, I think I'll be fine"

"Alright," Tadashi pressed play on his phone and walked out to the center of the room. "Let's see how far you remembered, It's only been like two and a half hours"

The two did the dance a few times and corrected a few things before moving on.

"The next part is going like this, You are going to do this turn thing, it's called a Chaîné by the way, then we are going land here, From there we are going to Chassé with our left, then one with right. From there we are going to step and leap. Is that too confusing?"

"No, I think I got it"

Yamaguchi clapped his hands together. "Alright from the top"

The two were at this for 2 hours. Just coming up with moves and practicing it over and over.

"That was good, I think we can stop there. It's 5 right now so dinner should be ready soon"

Yamaguchi took off his shoes and put them in his bag. He grabbed his tennis shoes and started to walk out the door.

"Would you like to go out to lunch tomorrow? I heard of this really good place around here. It's about a 20-minute walk. I've never really had the chance to go cause I haven't been in Tokyo in a while" Terushima said as Yams grabbed the door handle.

"Yeah, sure I'll go with you, What time?"

"One? That when lunch is served here so if we can get back around when everyone else is done with food we can skip the noise"

"Ok, It's a date!"

Yamaguchi opened the door and walked out.

Word Count: 1059

Sorry this chapter was kind of boring I need to get more ideas sorry

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