Chapter Two - Luca

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Ok previously, I was a little over the top. She wasn't technically kidnapping me. Rather, she kinda just grabbed me and I followed her because I assumed we were being chased. Of course, I had no idea who was chasing us. Finally, the girl abruptly stopped, causing me to run right into her.

"Ow!" I shrieked.

The girl snorted and turned around. "Watch where you're going. You were the one that ran into me, not the other way around."

I rolled my eyes and cradled my bruised body.

She rolled her eyes right back at me and decided to comment on my lack of attention. "Well, do you have anything to say?"

This completely confused me as I had no idea what she was referring to?

She rolled her eyes again, "A thank you would suffice?"

I scoffed, "Thank you, for what? Kidnapping me?"

She seemed a little shocked. "You're harsh. And for what reason? Also! I did not kidnap you."

Now that I heard her speak a little more, she sounded like she had a British accent. But, her accent was faded, as if she had lived here and become accustomed to the way we spoke. And yet, I could still hear it clinging onto her voice.

I started to speak. "You-I-...Wait! Where are you taking me?"

"Shut up would you?"

And then, we began to run again.

At this point in time, I was completely baffled. For one, I had more questions than answers. And then there was this mysterious girl who just decided to grab me and run. To be truthful, I was beginning to feel irritated.

Finally, we stopped for a second time. This time, we were in front of an old rusted warehouse. Although I didn't recognize our surroundings, I assumed we were at the outskirts of town. The biggest giveaway was all the old and crumbly buildings surrounding us.

I collapsed against the building and struggled to find my inhaler or the stereotypical paper bag I carried around with me everywhere. Now, don't bash me and say "Oh that sounds like such a cartoonish thing to do." The little dude is literally a life saver. I even drew a little face on the bag. His name is Doug. Anyways, I began to panic because I couldn't find Doug. And of course, that made my wheezing and hacking even worse. At this point, my new friend began to actually become concerned.

"Are you okay?"

I swatted her hand away and managed to wheeze out a "I'm fine."

She ignored my swatting and grabbed my arm and helped me into the warehouse. I had no energy left to fight her, so I let her lead me into the enormous building. Later, I had managed to calm down a little and surveyed my surrounding a little better. The outside of the rust-bucket seemed to look worn down and even forlorn. However, the interior was a drastic contrast. The inside of the building was actually very cozy and seemed to be well lived in. I assumed that the girl must've lived here for a while.

Ok, I was tired of calling her "the girl," so I asked her what her name was. Although, I was still a little winded from the exciting jog we went on, so it came out like, "Whhhass yuh naahhme?"

She stared at me for a second before actually interpreting what I said. "My name?"

I nodded.

"It's Ilya."

I contemplated that piece of information for a minute or so. Ilya.... That sounded so familiar to me. To be fair, that isn't a very common name, so why did it stick out to me?

My thoughts were cut short when Ilya began to speak again.

"What's your name? Or should I say, 'Whhhass yuh naahhme?'"

I smirked and mimicked her voice, "Isss Luuucaaa."

She smirked back and nodded as if satisfied.

I swear I caught her saying something like "Thought so."

"Did you say something?" I asked her to make sure I wasn't going crazy.

"Pardon? Your hearing must be bad?"

"Are you calling me delusional? I swear I heard you say something?"

She scoffed at this, "Yes, I suppose I am calling you delusional."

"And why would I be delusional?"

She sighed and began as if speaking to a child, "You said that I kidnapped you. You could have pulled away from me and wheezed the other way."

I glared at her. "Ohhhhh so it's my fault?"

She smiled at me mockingly, "Exactly! I cannot believe it took you so long to figure that out!"

I sighed and placed my head in my hands. "This is making my head pound."

Ilya just giggled and I could see her feet shuffling away from me.

"Hey wait! 'WHEEZED the other way?"

She froze for a second as if absorbing what I said. Then, she blatantly ignored me and walked away. I got up and followed her. After a minute or so, she froze.

"See what I mean? You are following me!"

I rolled my eyes. "That's not my fault."
She stared at me, "What do you mean?"

At this remark, I blushed and began in a rather small voice, "I-"

"Speak a little louder, I can't hear you when you're whispering."
I glared at her and shouted, maybe a little too loud, "I DON'T KNOW HOW TO GET BACK HOME!"

She rolled her eyes, "Dramatic much?"

I just glared at her and felt dizzy. "I need to sit back down."

And then, I blacked out. The last thing I heard was Ilya shrieking with genuine concern.

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