Chapter 1

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Deku was walking through the halls of U.A with sunlight seeping through the glass windows.

"Hi Deku-kun!" Uraraka ran up to Deku. "How are you?"

"I'm fine, it's just that my muscles are kinda sore from today's training"

"Ah..yeah I know, they went really hard on us today, especially cause its going to be our last day for a while"

"Yeah.. " he said stretching out his arms.

He sighed in relaxation after loosening his arm muscles a bit. He looked at Uraraka.

"Soo.. " Uraraka mused.

"Soo...?" Deku said in a questioning tone.

"Aren't you going to miss me?!" Uraraka said angrily.

"Huh-" Deku said confused at her sudden mood swing.

"I feel like you don't need me anymore!" She said suddenly sobbing.

"Uraraka are you okay?"

"Of course I'm okay why wouldn't I be?" she said suddenly smiling.



"Uraraka... is it that time of the month?" he whispered softly blushing a bit from embarrassment.

Uraraka widened her eyes as if she took a shot from reality.

She sighed and said "Yeah... what gave it away?"

"Um.. " Deku said awkwardly "I-uh had a gut feeling"

"Oh okay, guess you have a good gut sense"

Todoroki noticed them and started walking with them.

"Hello" He said in his usual monotone voice"

"Hello Todoroki-kun" Deku smiled blushing slightly.

"Hey Todoroki" Uraraka smiled and said.

"I have detention in a few minutes, I thought we could talk for a short time before I go detention" Todoroki said checking his classic black and white watch on his wrist

"Why, you usually never get detention" Deku said looking at him.

"I didn't do my homework cause of my father"

"Well it's recess now so me and Deku only have class in 10 minutes" Uraraka said as Deku smiled.

"Lucky" Todoroki groaned. But while they thought Todoroki said lucky was because Uraraka and Deku got no detention, it was actually because Uraraka could spend her break with Deku.

"Ah, look" Deku said motioning his head to a tall boy with Pacific blue hair who seemed to be lecturing someone.

The trio walked over to him to find out that he was lecturing a student because he wasn't wearing his uniform properly.
He had just tied his jacket over his waist and his tie was missing.

"Maybe you should leave him Iida, he probably finds the uniform uncomfortable" Uraraka said trying to pull Iida away from the boy.

"But he isn't even fixing it" Iida said not budging.

Uraraka sighed and said to the boy "Could you please wear your jacket properly and wear your tie, my friend won't leave you if you don't"

The boy frowned and said "Well you can tell your friend to fuck off and that I'm not gonna listen".
He suddenly looked at Uraraka and smirked
"But you cutie... how about you leave those geeks and hang out with me? I could introduce you to a special friend of mine." he said and winked.


First chapter of Deku moves to America complete!


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