Novi Grad , Solovia

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Trigger warning: fighting

Scarlett POV:

"You are now arriving in Novi Grad, Sokovia," announced FRIDAY, Tony's new line of defense now that JARVIS was uploaded into Vision. I got up and looked out the front window, noticing that we were flying towards a huge, castle-like building. Despite some lights still being on, it looked completely abandoned. It was surrounded by mountains and woods, The jet landed in front of the castle, I heard Thor and Bruce getting up behind me. "Thor, find out what Ultron's been building in there. Any answers could save the lives of these civilians." Bruce and Thor nodded as the doors of the jet slowly fell to the ground. Once the two Avengers were safely in the building, the jet took off again towards the rest of Sokovia.

Once we were all out of the jet, Iron Man and Vision flew off to Ultron. The rest of us had one job, and that was to clear the city and get every citizen to safety as fast as possible. Steve ran towards the bridge while Clint climbed a nearby building . I looked to my right and noticed Pietro, who was holding his sister's hand and giving her some type of talk. As he backed away, Wanda's eyes turned red as her red energy surrounded her hands, attempting to reach as many civilians possible.

I ran to as many people as possible and knocked on as many doors as I could. As I continued Ultron's robot army began to storm the city. "Go, go! Get to the bridge!" I yelled out to the civilians, one robot went to attack Nat from behind "Hey!" I called out, pulling my knife out of my vest. The bots turned towards me, their arm repulsors ready to fire at any moment. I swung my arm, positioning my knife with its blade on the side, and sliced through the robot.

I noticed Pietro running through a line of robots. Before I was able to yell out a sarcastic comment, the ground began to shake. At first I thought it was another wave of bots, but a few buildings around us began to crumble. People were screaming even louder than before as they struggled to balance. I realized — A big chunk of Sokovia is now floating upwards towards the sky. I cursed as I held onto a car. Thousands of people including the Avengers were now stuck on a big floating rock.

Defeating Ultron and his army while rescuing Sokovians was one thing, but doing so miles away from the ground. Ultron,, kept speaking. "You, Avengers, you are my meteor, my swift and terrible sword and the earth will crack with the weight of your failure." I breathed in, quickly exhaling . "Purge me from your computers, turn my own flesh against me. It means nothing. When the dust settles, the only thing living in this world will be metal." Almost as if it were on cue, the bots began to attack again, blasting anything nearby. "Get out of here!" I yelled to the civilians before using energy blasts to start slicing a few of the bots'. Pietro took care of the other nearby bots, running through them or punching through their chests. Once Pietro and I were finished with all the bots in sight and the civilians were cleared out of the area, he ran back to me and grinned. "Need a ride?" He piled me up arm lifted me onto his back and began to run through the streets of Sokovia.

FRIDAY started to speak "Right now the impact would kill thousands. Once it gets high enough: Global extinction." I jumped off Pietro to start helping more citizens get away from a crowd of robots as Pietro used his speed To tear them apart. "Stark, you worry about bringing the city back down safely," Steve spoke through the com. "The rest of us have one job: tear these things apart. You get hurt, hurt 'em back. You get killed, walk it off."

I ran towards the center of the city where I noticed the robots were heading towards, I can only hope that Tony finds away to stop this rock from. Killing us all.

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