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While you are panicking on your leg your back toward the man you bit to death. Ruki couldn't help but open his eyes and look at you while you fidget about how to dump the body and such trivial stuff. You took of your cellphone and began to dial your family house number with shaky hands. But before you could press the dial button a hand a firm hand take your's while taking your phone away.

« As i said before, you are... »

« A ghost!! » you interrupt him while you struggle against his hold. But he didn't let you as he snake his arm around your waist to maintain your body against his while he take your wrist and bite it harshly with his fang making you realise that the man was simply pretending to be dead. He was now lapping and sucking the blood driping from you wrist

« Regain composure now? »

« Shussh you jerk! You made me worried you know!!! »

« Sure was unexpected to see you that freaked out to be honest. Yet not.»

« Because you manipulate me into drinking your blood you idiot! » you said now tears rolling down your cheek.

Somehow you felt really conflicted. You felt happy that you didn't murder him yet you felt angry at his manipulative action and felt like you didn't know who was your real self. It was like drinking for a second time was as natural as breathing even tho it wasn't. And now you feel like an idiot because you forgot that Ruki was a vampire and therefore doesn't breath. Your face is now a wet mess of tears and snot

« You are way too gullible, immature as well as a cry-baby... i get what you father must be dissapointed about. But it's pretty interesting that you are this way. Even tho your father is such a ego maniac vampire. »

« Sorry to be an unworthy daughter.. » you pout

« Don't be, it's make you more interesting that way. »

« Okay... I really don't understand how you are thinking Ruki.... »

« You don't have to (F/n). It's interesting enough how you are trying to be yourself despite your background and family's expectations. »

« Is it really a good thing? »

« To me yes it is. »

« If you think so then i guess i can live with that. » you said as his word somehow manage to actually settle your emotionnal mess. The confidence he is talking with kind of attract you to him. But he seem to steal away your thought.

« You know (F/n)... i think you are really attractive. »

« I really think you are the only person who think so.»

« Then i'm more than willing to be the only one to thing this way. Since you are destined to be my wife. Do not show your true color in front of anyone else. » he said, the last part on a commanding tone rather than his neutral one.

Yes should have been the obvious thing to answer. But you felt suddenly brave enough to say on a taunting voice:
« Why? Worried i'm going to kill people? »

But the reaction you were waiting for didn't come. He simply look at you with a stoik expressions. But it than morphed into a smirk.

« No. I am worried my cute fiancé will get a bloodbag toy for herself. »

« I dont enjoy having toy like these. I did told you at our first meeting right? Unless I have to remember you? Oh well i just did. » you said your smirk still on your face which kind of annoyed Ruki

« Let me tell you i'm the one with the upper hand here. »

He then took the wrist in his hand and pull you so that he is now on top of you.

« Ruki what are you doing? »

« I'm teaching you a lecon you might want to remember. »

Indeed you try to struggle against him but he maintain pressure without even blinking the eyes.

« What are you trying to do? »

« Making you understand that this attitude of yours won't do you any good. »

« And may i ask what in my attitude did you disliked so much? »

« Your arrogance and over confidence. »

He than went to your neck and bite you quite hardly surprising you in the process. Making your inexisting heart ride an inexisting heartbeat and you of course try to get away from Ruki's hold yet you didn't succeed at all.

Somehow you felt like Ruki was getting greedier and drank more making you lose strenght and losen your attempt to escape. It felt weird to you to be bitten yet you somehow felt relieved about it. Your futur husband was able to keep your true self in check and you now felt like Ruki was maybe more than simply an forced partner upon you. Because weird feeling went to your inner self and your body react to it. But what he said next was unexpected.

« Shit »

« What is it Ruki? »

« Your blood is exquisite my dear. Quite the expected from a pureblood. Mine must be quite dull in comparison. »

« Yours isn't half bad just so you know. Better than the last one i drank to be completely honest... » you mumble under your breath but the man had definitively heard it from the smirk which was now orning his face.

« Is that so than let me ask you one thing. Why is it that a vampire pureblood as yourself react such way to such a tiny bite? »

Man he was refering to your inner legs which was demanding attention

« Don't mind it... It's no time to do that... we are outside.. »

« Your point being? » he said as his face was now an inch away from your ear.

Dammit that vampire! You felt like he didn't leave you any choice. As if you let him have is way with you now.

« Home then. I'm not into public display of my sexuality. » you said as a bargain to keep your virginity from being taken in such an obscur place.

« Well aren't you a greedy one? Well i can't say it does displease me that much. » he said taking you by your thigh, your arm around his neck he then end up in a room thoroughly cleaned.

Next chapter is basically a sex scene so if you dislike than don't read it but you may miss some important point of the plot. Don't say I didn't warn you. ^^ See you next time

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2021 ⏰

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