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Some time pass between your first appointement with Ruki and your next meeting. This time he wasn't late to your happiness not wanting to wait again more than half an hour for him even if he didn't do it willingly. No he was actually early this time. He was waiting for you on the bench at the park you were supposed to meet. He sit on it while reading a book. When he sense your presence he look up, close the book and get on his feet.

" Hello (F/n) "

" Hello Ruki. How have you been?"

" Bored for the most part of it. Although its also get busier at school and my brothers don't seem to care about it. " he sighed

" Your hard work will always get reward. "

" True enough. But sometime the reward is rather little or almost unexistant. "

You couldn't help but feel sorry for your fiancé. He was obviously an hardworking person with a mysterious aura around him.

" Ruki how about we walk while talking thing out? I think you did tell something about 'we needing to talk about a few things out' on phone before we plan that meeting."

" Indeed i did say something along those line. Since we are going to be married in less than a year, i thought it would be better if we were on the same line. I do intend to take responsability for everything if you wish to. "

You wanted to laugh at how serious he was beeing. As if he had got you pregnant or something.

" Dont say it like this Ruki. It sound like you did something you shouldn't have when you did nothing wrong. " you giggle softly.

He look at you with a stoik expression than a slim change into his composure now aware of what you are implying his word look like as he said them.

" Seem like i express myself wrongly."

"You don't need to be so formal Ruki. Like you said we are going to be married in the year to come. "

" I am talking like this on a daily basis so it more of a habit then a choice of word. " he said with a irritated tone obviously not liking your criticism over his speaking manner.

You look at him a moment. You aren't sure to understand what he seem to imply there but it didn't matter. He is the one you are going to marry. So you better get use to that attitude of him. You then nod and began to walk next to him. The silence was all around the two of you. He then broke that silence after about an hour of walk.

" What are you afraid of? "

You answer with an obvious lie that the grey eyes man next to you saw right throught and didn't seem to bother himself to understand your point by pointing it out.

"That's a lie. My lady should tell me the truth. "he said as he get you pin softly against a nearby tree.

"I'd rather have an honest wife than an hypocrit one. But i wont force the truth out of you. It wouldn't be fair of me. "

You are searching for word to object but no word came to your mouth. The man look at your face with a mesmerizing smile. This man was obviously trying to manipulate you. You are now sure of it. But for what reason would he do that? You had no idea. And that simple fact was scaring you.

" Am i scarring you now? " You blink at his sudden comment.

" What? "

" Am i scary? "

You only nod of the head. Which lead Ruki to stay silent like he was thinking about his next move carefully. And his grey eyes piercing right throught your soul like they were looking for any hint about what you were thinking or any sign of vulnerability.

" You are way too gullible for a pureblood vampire. "

He let you get some space by getting further away of you. Still looking at you with a now dull and emotionless expression.

" what if i am? " you stutter still slightly shock by your two faced husband to be and yet you are trying to be strong here.

That fact made him smile but not one that you would want to see on it. A mischevious smile or a scheming one? It was bothering you so you choose to be straightforward and ask him directly

" Ruki. What is it that you really want from me? "

" What do you think? " he said not losing this smile of his.

"I'm asking you because i don't know. And as your future wife i guess i'm in the position to ask such a thing. "

"I guess i'm still debating how i should treat you and you are the new puzzle i'd like to resolve." he said without making excuse.

" Should i be honor to be compare to a puzzle? "

" Well if you think that having my attention turn toward you is a nice thing than yes. If not no. But i would prefer if you say that you agree to the first perspective i said just now. Because if your not even interested in what i can offer to you this is kinda sad. "

The last sentence was a lie since a smile was still arboring his face. Actually that simple fact made you wonder if anything he ever said during this exchange of view tonight was even true. But you prefer to simply discard that thought and keep your behavior like it was just the last sentence that was a lie.

" And what there is that you have to offer to me young man? I already got everything i need. Shall i remember who your fiancée is Ruki? "

He get near you again and look straight into your eyes. You look him back without flinching.

" Of course you are a pureblood vampire from a wealthy family. But i can offer you a place for you to be yourself. "

" I already am myself so why is that even something to offer? "

" Because you are lying to yourself. Lying to yourself that you don't need blood. You push away your instinct even tho you obviously know you have them. Your vampiric impulse, you refrain them are you? "

The way he is talking make you feel like he is pitying you. And you dislike that. But somehow your need to be honest with him get the best of you. Your head is spinning remembering the blissfull sensation of drinking someone till the last drop. It had made you so thrilled but that feeling had only stay a few moment after your act. Somewhere deep into you wanted to live it again but like Ruki said you refrain them because it is clashing with your personnal value.

" I may refrain them but i'm fine like that. I don't want to live that sensation ever again. " you say on a neutral tone. « I dont believe you. "

" Then don't believe me but i'm being honest here. "

" You are pretty stubborn aren't you? "

" I get that from my father i guess. At least now I see something i got from him "

Playing hard to get now? Ruki felt even more up for the challenge. He took out his a small knife and cut his wrist without hesitating. Blood dripping from his wrist to the palm of his hand dropping on the grass, the enticing smell that cause your instinct to get you out of control again. Your body moved on it's own your eyes now red as scarlet, you push him forceful on the grass and get on top of him as you lap the blood coming out of his injured wrist.

He was now certain off it now. Their blood as former human still attract vampire. Interesting. But his thought are stopped by you bitting hungrily into his wrist because it has healed too fast for you to drink enough to satisfy your 'hungry-self'. He didn't do anything to stop you. Once you were filled you get off him and look at your fiancé. But panic appear in your (E/c) orb as you see him eyes closed and no sign of breathing from him.

"I have done it again.... "

Vampire Obsession (Ruki x Pureblood vampire female reader)Where stories live. Discover now