Chapter Four

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I had returned to Anise and the man, whose name I still did not know, around sunset. I hadn't spoken a word and neither of them had made any attempt to talk to me. I preferred it that way. I needed the silence. A fire crackled behind me as I sat at the edge of the pond, starring into it with blank, hard eyes.

Anger still filled every crevice of my being, but I had seemed to contain the rage. I couldn't help but wish I was still living the lie. I wished that it was still Maev and I arguing over spells and Lavina and I brewing potions in the kitchen. She had always supported my expirements and always helped me with any new idea. I missed meals with Raine and Anise, when we would sit around and laugh at the silliest things. It all seemed so petty now, so irrelevant.

I caught a second reflection in the pond behind my own and I recognized his masculan sillouette. "Recedite a me," I snapped.

"Violet it's not safe near the pond at night. You know that,"

"Quid ad te?" (What do you care?)

"Mihi dolet mors amicum," (I'm sorry for the death of your friend.) He says quietly. Tears threathen to spill as I remember how she died in front of me, but I refused to fall into another fit of hysterics in front of this stranger.

"Quod factum est, factum sit," (What's done is done.) I say bitterely. A few moments of silence stretch between us and then I finally ask,

"Quod nomen est tibi?" (What is your name?) He takes a seat next to me,

"Thane," It seemed like a normal enough name. It was good to know these marked people didn't name their children after herbs and different species of forest creatures like the fae did. I had always thought them peculiar for it.

I glanced back towards Anise and watched her as she starred blankly into the fire. "Quid sororis congregatis nocte?" (Why was her sister at the gathering last night?) I ask him.

"Quae uoluit ad angelos," (She wanted to join the angels.)

"Quam operor vos coniungere?" (How do you join?)

"Fuso alis meretur vos relinquo," (The killing of two souls earns you each wing.) That explained the deaths of the two fae children.

"Why would she ever want to join something so vile," I whisper to myself. Part of me was still stuck in disbelief. Out of all the ridiculous things she's said and done I would have never thought she would even attempt something like this. Even worse, something like this with no remorse.

"Some people like power and that's what Marcus promises to all of his followers. Althought it's a bit different in your friend's case, seeing that Marcus and her are a couple," I send him a confused look. "They're lovers," he clarifies. My face contorts from confusion to disgust. In a way it didn't surprise me. Raine had always talked of how she would seduce the local fae, then again her father was a sirin.

"Why does...Marcus have wings and markings?"

"He was a Marked who grew hungry for power and was exiled from Manus Fortium. He left and went to The Opaca. There is where he created his army of angels, and also found a way to go to any realm he pleases with his unmarked army. He travels from realm to realm looking for more and more people to add to his cause. All to avenge his exile in Manus Fortium and gain rule over every realm,"

"Is it harder to pass through the barrier without marks?" I question.

"It's impossible. Or at least we thought it was until now," he states plainly.

"Doesn't anyone ever fight back?

"No one that can make a difference,"

"Isn't there anyone who can make a difference?" Hope for the realms couldn't be lost. He sighs,

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