Chapter Eight

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I watched Matthias skitter around the room, checking out all the corners and gaps. Every drawer, closet, table, and pillow had been sniffed throuoghly by him. I hadn't done much of anything since Thane had brought me here. More because of the fact that I didn't know my way around and I wasn't told to do anything.

The last person I saw was a young girl who had brought me a change of clothes before running away. I finally took the chance to bathe and wipe the grime and dirt off my skin from the past few days. My hair flowed in dark black waves down my back as my blue eyes wandered the room. The clothes were more comfortable than I thought they would be. Although it was much different from the dresses I was used to wearing it was one step closer to embracing the way of life I was born into.

The sun was sinking slowly out of sight but I wasn't even the slightest bit tired. I felt restless and I didn't know how much longer I could deal with just sitting around. Suddenly there was a knock on my door and I sat up quickly from the laying position I was in. Matthias hissed and arched his back. "Aufhoren," I told him quietly. I stood up and walked slowly to the door. It was probably Thane checking up on me and part of me was hopeful that it was him.

To my surprise it wasn't behind the door was a man and a women. I looked at the couple and studied them. Up close I was able to see even more similarities between the three of us. In a way I felt slightly spooked. I felt as if I was staring at a ghost. Matthias joined me at my feet and the two of them looked down at him, the women's eyes sparkling with wonderous curiousity. I cleared my throat awkwardly, not taking the silence well.

"Oh," the woman perks up. "We're sorry to inturrupt you. We just thought we should properly introduce ourselves," I stare at both of them awkwardly I wasn't quite sure on how to handle this situation. "I'm Vanessa," she says, holding out her hand. I take it and she smiles softly. "And this is my husband, James," the man offeres his hand and I take his as well.

"Violet," I say quietly, feeling silly for telling them my name when of course they already know.

"Do you mind if we come in?" Vanessa asks.

"Umm sure. I suppose I could use the company," I say trying to seem a little more welcoming. I stepped back and opened the door wider for them to come in. Matthias hissed louder at my feet and I kicked him lightly, telling him to stop silently.

"How long have you had him?" Vanessa asks.

"Ever since he was a yearling. He's not always the most cooperative but he's a good protector and I trust him with my life,"

"It takes a lot of potential and courage to train a griffin," she compliments.

"Thank you," I say shyly. I rub my arms awkwardly and stare at my marks.

"How do you feel about all this?" she asks. I shrug,

"It's a bit overwhelming but I can't exactly fight against any of it," I thought of Lavina and of how gruesomly she had been taken away from me, and how Raine had betrayed all of us. It made me wish so much more that I could change things.

"I'm sorry for everything you've been through," she says, with a regretful look on her face. She must feel like all of this is her fault, and I didn't exactly know how to tell her that it wasn't.

"No reason for you to be sorry," theres a few moments of silence before the man, James, decides to speak up.

"Do you know who we are?" he asks, I sit down in the chair by the window.

"James!?" Vanessa scolds him trying to be discreet about it but being that we we're all in a room alone it wasn't really working to her advantage.

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