Outei soccer club: Why we want captain Nosaka

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Even though Nosaka didn't get why all the players would want him back on the team. They all had so many reasons why they did.

All the members really wanted Nosaka to be their captain again because he freed them from the Ares-program. As well as actually caring for them,  Nosaka would always listen to them and even though he was very strict, they all respected him a lot.

I, Takemi Kousuke have Nosaka to thank, that I didn't get in a lot of trouble. Nosaka had not reported that I went to go on a date with a girl I really liked. Thereby also saying the Ares-program was less important. Nosaka who was the one, who was the most devoted to the Ares-program, actually helped me. At first, I was very grateful that Nosaka didn't report to me, but then I accidentally saw that he not only kept me from punishment but that he took the punishment which was meant for me. This is to say that the Ares-program has very hard punishments. I really felt so bad that Nosaka did this for me, I felt guilty and I knew it was all my fault. Was that the reason Nishikage glared at me so much lately? I thought he glared at me because I had defied the Ares-program. Nishikage and Nosaka are very close, so Nishikage probably was so mad at me because now Nosaka had to take my punishment. 

I felt very guilty, so I decided that I would confront Nosaka about it. After all, he would always listen to us and when we were tired or things were hard for us, he would give us the strength and motivation to go on. 

I was in front of Nosaka's door, I knocked on the door and Nishikage opened the door. I heard Nosaka ask who it was, but Nishikage shut the door and that's how I ended up in front of a closed door. Shall I come back another time? I probably need to talk to Nosaka when Nishikage isn't with him. But that would be almost impossible now, wouldn't it? Nishikage was always at Nosaka's side. I was contemplating what to do when Nosaka opened the door. Takemi I'm sorry, is there something you want to talk about? Nosaka I, yes, I, can I talk to you in private, please. Sure of course Takemi, let's take a walk. Thank you Nosaka. 

I saw Nishikage glaring at me from inside Nosaka's room. Honestly speaking I understood why he was angry, but he was still very scary. Nishikage isn't actually someone you need to be scared of unless it has something to do about Nosaka, you sure should be more than only scared.

Nosaka got me out of my thoughts when he started to walk to the end of the hall. Takemi, what did you want to talk about? 

Nosaka, is it true that you are taking my punishment? Nosaka was silent and I was sure that he was going to deny it, so I said I had seen it. After I had said that I actually already know that he did, Nosaka answered, yes.

Why would you do that captain, why did you actually get them to give my supposed punishment to you? 

Takemi, I'm your captain and I'm responsible for your actions. So if one of you does something wrong I will receive punishment and you won't. 

But this is not the first time someone of us did something like this, breaking the rules. 

Well, Takemi, this is also not my first punishment. 

Nosaka...you mean...you. 

Takemi don't worry about it, I personally asked that none of you would get any punishment. 

How did you even convince them to punish you instead of us? 

I'm a very good speaker Takemi, all my arguments made sense, they couldn't disagree.  


I never knew, why didn't you tell us? 

I didn't find it of much importance.

I'm sorry captain, I'm really sorry.

Don't worry about it, just be careful to either not do things like that in the future or at least do it more secretly. 

I will, thank you so much, captain. 

Nosaka went back to his room, where I was certain an angry Nishikage would be, though I'm certain he would keep his anger inside when Nosaka was there. In the meantime I went to the soccer field, I was supposed to train some more, Nosaka had asked that of me because I trained less than normal because I snuck out. When I arrived at the soccer field I noticed that almost everybody was there already, well except Nosaka and Nishikage of course. When I arrived I almost cried, everything just sank in. Nosaka protected all of us, he has always done so. He didn't even tell us,  if he hadn't told me, we would've never known. 

Takemi, are you alright what's wrong?

huh...oh...I'm alright, I think I need to tell all of you something. 

Okay, what is it? After we all sat together I started telling them what Nosaka, our captain had done for all of us and how guilty I felt. The others now realised too that the reason why none of us had any big punishments was because of Nosaka. All of them felt really bad, but most of all we're all really thankful and touched by Nosaka. 

So that's the reason we never really got any punishment, huh. You know I always found it strange that the punishment only seemed to be to train more. Haoto Ichiya said.

I actually suspected Nosaka did something, because most of the time when one of us broke any of the rules, he would be gone for a while, or come late to practices. Tanizaki Yoshiya said. 

Damn, why is this so f.. up? Damn this Ares-program. said  Hanasaki Taizan.

Though it's very ironic isn't it, I mean Nosaka is the one who is the most devoted to this whole Ares-program. said Okuno Hosomichi.

{ Back in time} 

There are so many more reasons why we want Nosaka as our captain, I really hope he comes and joins us again. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2021 ⏰

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