Fur and Feathers

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Lewis and Duncan were working on the Jaffa factory. It was late at night and Sips and Sjin had both gone back to Sips.Co HQ and Simon had gone on a mining trip. Duncan was frowning and trying to figure out why the macerators in Lewis' wall of machines weren't macerating. Maybe they had ran out of energy? The solar panels hadn't been working today because of the heavy downpour which had turned the ground to sludge and dripped in through a leak in the top floor. Lewis had forgotten what he was doing, partly because he was extremely tired, partly because he was too busy wondering where Simon was to concentrate on machinery.

"I'm off to bed, you coming?" A muffled grunt from Duncan told Lewis that he wasn't listening, as usual. The spaceman walked out the marble building, leaving the door open as usual. When he got to the dormitory Simon still wasn't there. He was pretty worried about him. Sure, the dwarf was always getting lost in underground cave systems, but he wasn't usually back this late! He had set out really early that morning, just as Lewis had got up, which was unusual since Simon slept in til mid day most days. Lewis lay on his bed, staring at the damp roof above him. The light from the giant dwarf face logo on the side of the factory bathed the room in an eerie orange glow. Hours passed, and Lewis was still lying awake, unblinking. A creak from the wooden door awoke him with a start. "Simon?" Lewis breathed in a relieved  tone. But instead, a groggy looking scientist appeared in the doorway. "Machines... explosion... sorry," Duncan mumbled, before collapsing on his bed and instantly falling asleep.

Outside, the shadow of a tall, slim man in dark clothing, a girl with a shock of red hair, holding a firey red ball in her hand and a dinosaur with bow and arrows climbed over the black fence of the Honeydew.Inc compound. The man's purple eyes darted all around, to the tall, marble factory, to the huge christmas tree, to the flooded fountain, until he saw the Dorm. He beckoned to his friends and ran over to the small shack.

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