Chapter 5

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Rythian opened his eyes and wondered where he was, then remembered what happened. He looked down at his sleek black scales which were smudged with purple Ender-blood. He slowly stood up. It was very strange walking on all fours. He stretched his wings out to their full extent. The mid-day sun shone through them, making them glow a dark purple and highlighting the veins. He caught the breeze in his wings and leapt into the blue cloudless sky. He soared over the mountain and landed next to Zoey's very damaged farm. The dragon sat there for about ten minutes, rubbing his bloodied hide on the dewy grass. After a while, he saw Zoey's silhouette in the distance, flying back towards Blackrock. Using telepathy (a trait all dragons posses) he warned Zoey that he was back, and the transformation had been fully successful. When she finally arrived, the first thing she did was swing he arms around Rythian's neck. He smiled to himself. It was moments like this when he was reminded why he loved Zoey. "You're a lot smaller than I thought you would be," She commented, after she had let go "From what I heard Lewis say, Ender Dragons are HUGE!" She waved her arms around to emphasise her point. Rythian chuckled "Zoey, Dragons live a lot longer than humans. That's why I didn't transform when I was younger. I would have been too weak to survive. In Dragon years, I am still a child."  He explained. The mushroom fanatic stared at him, confused. Rythian sighed. It wasn't worth trying to tell her how it worked. She barely grasped the concept that all Ender-Borns eventually become one with the End, which was why he had changed.

Toby looked down at the little dog, which was desperately trying to communicate with him. He had know idea what had happened. Some kind of magic, he guessed. But the one thing he was almost certain about was that this dog was Martyn. Toby bent down and grabbed the headband lieing on the ground, then tied it around Martyn's head. He laughed at the unimpressed look the dog gave him as if to say 'Come on Toby! We haven't got time for this! We need to find out what happened!' .

"Okay then, I guess we should go and find someone who knows about this kind of stuff..."

Lewis noticed the shifty looks Duncan and Sjin were giving each other, but decided not to question it. He guessed they knew more than he did for Rythian's reasons for doing this, but right now that would get them nowhere. "Come on guys, we should go and find Rythian and see what this is all about, and find out whether this really was him." He said. Sips nodded decisively clearly agreeing with the spaceman's plan and after some hesitation, Sjin reluctantly mumbled that it would be a good idea. Duncan, however, looked terrified at the very mention of such an idea "B-b-but I could work this out on my own," He stammered "I-I'm sure it's not that difficult..." Sips sniggered and whispered something to Sjin, which made him giggle. Lewis, taking control of the situation, walked up to Duncan and tried to pat him on the back, nearly loosing his balance. "Look friend, I know you and Rythian have a grudge, but surely it's not that bad. It's not like he's going to kill you or something!" He said reassuringly, but the scientist didn't look so sure. His green eyes were wide with fear and pupils were thin slits, but he nodded slowly. "Good, let's go then!" Lewis said, leading the group of mismatch animals out of the skyscraper and towards the woods that separated SipsCo from Blackrock.

By the time Simon got to the SipsCo compound, the sun had started setting. It was a lot further away than when he last remembered. He also may have been distracted when he met a family of particularly adorable pigs on the way. The dwarf walked around the huge compound, marveling at the tall buildings and strange machinery. The grounds were empty, yet again, and the only sign of life were cat paw prints that lead nowhere. He checked the buildings, and again, they were empty. It was like the apocalypse had happened and he was the only person left on earth. The last building Simon checked was the skyscraper. There were a few clawmarks on the stairs, which he thought was strange, since Sips didn't like animals at all and would never let Sjin take any inside the buildings. It only got weirder when he got to the top floor, as there were pale brown chicken feathers everywhere, and a few had specks of blood on them. The dwarf sighed, even though this may have been a sign that Duncan had been here, there were no further clues. When he got outside, he noticed the paw prints, this time accompanied by some kind of bird prints, were leading right out of the compound and towards... Rythians base...

Toby and Martyn watched as the last glimmer of sunlight disappeared over the horizon. The giant spiders in the shadows slowly turned their heads towards the the boy and dog. The skeletons raised their bows and the zombies pulled themselves out of the ground. One solitary creeper slowly walked forward. It's eyes narrowed and it began to hiss. Just as it was about to blow, a yowl came out from behind the trees and the monster was attacked by two cats, one white with dark brown patches, the other blonde. With one strike, the white and brown cat scratched the creeper across the face, causing it to fall backwards. It's head hit the floor with a crack, and blood seeped out from under it. The other creatures of the night slowly backed off. Toby, completely confused, realised that one of the cats was wearing a small pair of goggles. "Duncan.... is that you...?" He said to himself. The cat slowly nodded, also not looking 100% sure on what was going on. Then the other cat said "And I'm Lewis. We think Rythian put some kind of spell on us, and it appears he has on Martyn too.". At this point, Toby was freaking out. This other cat had spoken, and claimed to be Lewis, but this wasn't possible! Animals don't speak! Martyn couldn't communicate with him... and besides who was this 'Rythian'? He vaguely remembered Martyn talking about him, but that was all he knew. ..

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