Chapter 6

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A thunderous roar echoed through the valley. Rythian's eyes narrowed, She's here... He thought to himself. Zoey, who for the past five minutes had been looking slightly confused suddenly appeared to know what was happening. "The Enderbabe!" She yelled. Teep looked at her as if to say, Enderqueen Zoey. Rythian nodded, and with a beat of his wings, he rose into the air.

Martyn yelped and jumped into Toby's arms. Sips and Sjin squawked in alarm. Lewis looked up to the sky, confused, but Duncan seemed perfectly calm. It was like he knew something they didn't... Suddenly with a crash from the bush behind them startled the scientist, allowing a piercing screech to escape from his mouth. A bedraggled dwarf stumbled into the clearing, gasping for breath. "Simon!" Lewis gasped, delighted, but at the same time shocked, "What happened?!" Simon looked down to find Lewis' voice was coming from a small, sleek cat which was looking up at him with large blue eyes. "AHH!" He shouted, "LEWIS WHY ARE YOU A CAT!?" He then spotted Duncan, hiding behind Lewis, fur still bristling from the shock. "D-duncan?" The blonde cat stepped forwards and spoke "Simon, Rythian got angry at me- I mean us- and decided to exact revenge. Another ear splitting roar ripped across the forest "And now he's in big trouble, follow me" He added urgently.

A large, dark form blotted out the moon and smothered the sky. Rythian looked up at the huge black beast. He would be lying if he said he wasn't scared. Her purple eyes shone like gems and he could feel her consciousness boring into his mind, probing his thoughts, memories and knowledge, leaving no privacy. Her voice echoed in his mind. "Come with me, my prince. It's time to go." Though her tone was calm, there was a threatening air to it, as if there were unmentioned terrible consequences. Rythian hovered in the air for a few seconds before shouting "NO! You can't make me do this! I am not your possesion!" The Enderqueen smiled slyly "Ok then, but you have made this so much harder for yourself..."

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