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  Getting the spells weren't easy, it took them multiple tries to get it right. "Oh right! We need a place to stay on earth," Aelia mentioned.

  Lexi then came into the room where Aelia and Ayla was and resolved their problem. Once everything was final, Ayla opened a portal with her scepter.

Ayla's scepter ::

Aelia's scepter ::

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Aelia's scepter ::

Aelia's scepter ::

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Ayla's dress ::

Aelia's dress ::

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Aelia's dress ::

(Their scepters look different because their scepters are supposed to reflect themselves)

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(Their scepters look different because their scepters are supposed to reflect themselves)

  When they stepped out of the portal, they arrived in an apartment with clothes lying everywhere. "Lexi said we needed to change into one of these to fit in" Aelia said, picking up a shirt from the floor.

  "There's money," Ayla opened an envelope that was in her pocket. Lexi had snuck in the envelope to help the cousins, "and instructions!"

  The cousins read the letter and followed the instructions that they were given. "We have to speak Korean?" Aelia asks and Ayla shrugs. Moonlight and Sunlight had their own language called Sunmoon but the royals were taught languages used on earth.

(a/n :: They were previously talking in Sunmoon. From here onwards, Sunmoon will be bolded.)

  "Wait, this is Korean right?" Aelia spoke, she had been sleeping through most of her languagemoon classes.

  Both girls picked up clothes of their choice and changed into it, they also tidied up the place a little before counting how much money they had.

  Once done with that, they head out right away to the stores to do a little shopping. Walking around the mall they had gone to, Aelia found a shop that is their style.

  "Do you feel that?" the younger asked and Ayla nodded. There was an aura, with both the sun and moon. You see here people from moonlight have an aura and people from sunlight have an aura as well. Only royals can feel aura's from both kingdoms while the normal citizens can only feel their own.

  Ayla found where the aura was coming from and saw a girl who looked around their age. The girl could sense someone staring at her so she turned around to see the two royal cousins behind her.

  "Don't kill me!" The girl exclaimed strangely, it seemed like she knew the cousins were not from earth. "Wait that's not right... the queens aren't so young..."

  Aelia giggled, she had been called her mum very often in Sunlight. "No silly, I'm Aelia and this is Ayla," she introduced herself and Ayla to the girl.

  "I'm Diana or Dahee," the girl introduced in Sunmoon proving that she was a citizen of either sunlight or moonlight. What didn't add up was how she had both auras.

  "My mum told me about you two," Diana said, then the cousins realized, she was Lexi's daughter.

  The three girls then continued chatting until Diana pointed out that they needed to pay for the things they've picked out and go back to chat instead.

"So you bought the apartment beside your mums," Aelia asks, plopping onto Diana's sofa.

  "Mmhm, I turned her apartment to my own studio. That's why you found clothes lying around everywhere," Diana said as she went to look for something. After a while she came back with two files.

  "These are your identities," she said passing the cousins a file each, "Ayla is now Aera and Aelia is now Aeri."

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