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"How many more books do we need to go through?" Aelia asked her cousin. The first part of Ayla's plan was to find a way they could use their powers to teleport to earth.

"Not anymore~ I found it," Ayla brought the book to the stand and then they read about the spell they could use.

Now all the needed was that help. Both girls now went around the castle stalking the servants and guards.

"Your highness, are you looking for something?" Lexi asked both girls who were staring into thin air. Then it struck Ayla.

"You went to earth right?" Ayla asked. Lexi tried to dodge the question but the next time Aelia asked.

Lexi finally spilled whatever information she had about earth and Ayla's brother. "He now goes as Changbin," Lexi told the girls, "and he's much younger than before as our age changes when on earth."

"And what do you mean by that?" Asked Aelia.

"Our planet's time system goes much faster than earth's. So when you two girls go to earth, you would become 20 years old and would age slower there," Lexi explained.

Technically they are still the same age, but the numbers are different. If you're 20 on earth, you would be around 2000 in the moon or sun. It's a lot of zeros but you are still young. The years are just faster.

Oh you must be wondering, living in the moon or sun? Well, Moonlight is a kingdom hidden in the moon and Sunlight is a kingdom hidden in the sun. How they came about, no one knows, not even the royals.

"Do you have any connections with people on earth?" Ayla asked Lexi and she nodded.

"My daughter stays on earth, more specifically in South Korea where Prince Draven is currently living," Lexi told the Princess, they never knew she had a daughter.

Once they got more information from Lexi, they were almost set to go. All they need left is the spells.

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