Chapter 22.

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Fucking hell. She's a squirter! I have been with many women in my life...but not ever once, has one of them squirted.

Fuck that's hot.

As she just had her first intense orgasm, I didn't want to make her more exhausted than she already was. She was laying on the bed, breathing heavily. Her eyes closed, and a lazily smile on her plump lips.

"You need to rest. I will wake you up when dinner's ready." I said and pecked her lips.

"N-no. It-it's okay." She said, trying to open her brown, almost green eyes.

I chuckled at her.

"No,gattina. You need to rest. Sleep now." I said and rose from my position to a standing one. I looked down at her. She's so gorgeous.

I took the quilt and covered her naked body. She fell asleep just when her head hit the pillow. I hope she knows how beautiful she is.

I looked at her once more, before I fixed my hair, fixed my black t-shirt frow the wrinkles, the same as my jeans. I got out of the room and walked downstairs.

"Hey, bro!" I turned around to be met by my brother, Xavier.

"Hey, so good to see you, bro!" I said as we hugged each other. He now had changed into a pair of swim shorts. We have a big pool here, on the backside.

"You wanna swim? It's fucking hot outside." He said as he looked at me with a questioning look.

"Yeah, why not. Do you have a pair of extra shorts? Evangeline is sleeping she...she had a headache." I said. He just looked at me with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah...cause she moans when she has headaches?" He said, as he walked by me and laughed. I slapped him in the back of his head and laughed as well.

I can't ever lie to him. He knows me too well...

I got out, through the glass door, that connected the big kitchen to the backyard. There all the guys sat, and my mother. They talked, laughed, and stuff.

"Hey, where's Evangeline?" My mother said as I walked to the table they sat at.

"She's sleeping. She had a headache." I said and kissed her on her cheek. She had a little plate with cheese and olives in front of her, I took one olive and put it in my mouth, only to get a slap on my cheek.

"Hey!! That's mine! Idiota." My mom said as she laughed, making everybody else laugh.

"si, si, mi dispiace mamma." I said and kissed her cheek once again.
(Yeah, yeah, sorry mom.)

I got in, in the house fast and borrowed a pair of bathing shorts from my brother and went outside again, and jumped in the pool with Xavier, Andre, and Giovanni.

Believe me or not. We can laugh and have fun too.


I woke up with music playing in my ears. I opened my eyes and looked around me.

Ohh, I am in Italy.

Wait... why was I asleep!?

I blushed as I regained my thoughts from before. I got up from the bed, I was naked so I went into the shower directly and took a cold shower. It is hot here.

When I had showered I put on a cream white dress, that ended mid thigh. It was beautiful. Alena packed all my clothes. And almost all of them were sexy...and a pair of white sandals. And a necklace.
(Outfit in the bottom.)

I put on some mascara and perfume that smelled like vanilla and strawberries.


I got out of the room and went downstairs. I heard the music from outside. So I knew that they were sitting outside in the backyard, by the pool. I stepped out from the big beautiful kitchen, through the glass door that led to the backyard.

"Hey!" I said to the guys and Xandra. I got meet by everyone looking at me like I was s princess.

"Wow," Xandra said, as her eyes lit up like a kid at Christmas. I giggled at all their reaction. And most of Xander's. He only had bath shorts on. And like the rest of the guys.

Stop don't get horny here! You're among people!

"Hey, there gorgeous," Xander said as he eyed me up and down. I blushed directly at his words.

"Hey..." I said quite.

"Come here,gattina." Xander said as he gestured his hand on one of the chairs. The table was full of food. And it looked and smelled delicious.

We ate, talked, laughed, and even looked at Xander's and Xavier's baby pictures. And I like all of the guys. Even Leo laughed.

Xavier is also a cool guy! And I learned that he is gay. And he and Andre looked at each other the whole night...

Maybe, just maybe there's something there.


As the night went on we all got tired. So we got to our rooms after we helped Xandra with the dishes. I and Xander got up to our room. When he had closed the door, he attacked me in one second with kisses on my neck.

"Mmmm, you smell so good. I had to restrain myself all night to not take you on the table." He said. Holding me in a firm grip on my waist. Kissing my neck.

"So fucking perfect." He said as his head is muffled in my neck. He broke the kisses and looked up from my neck, into my eyes.

" you want to be my girlfriend. For real?" He said.

Excuse me what?

I choked on my saliva. W. H. A. T?

He's the most handsome man I've ever seen. He saved me from my death...from my life. From me. He has made me a better woman. He has done so much for me. And I know that I would do that as well. And we have some chemistry between one of us can deny that...

"Yes," I said. Nodding my head. His face lit up and mine as well. Seeing him happy makes my heart warm and me happy.

"You serious!?" He said showing his white straight teeth. And his dimples.

"Yeah! We have something between us. No one of us can deny that..." I said, smiling back at him. No time to talk as his lips were on mine. He kissed me in a passionate kiss. Showing me his happiness.

We kissed more, and after a while, we went to bed. We cuddled and he held me the whole night. I felt at home. Like nothing could separate us. Nothing.


Ohhh!!! It will come more chapters!




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