The party

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Tom and Redd lay relaxed on the grass, while the pleasant sun warmed their fur. "Ah, that's lovely," Tom muttered. "No work - just relax."
"Yes, and nobody to bother us," Redd added.

The tanuki moved closer to the fox and climbed on top of him so that he was lying on his torso. Redd grinned and patted Tom's head. He rested his chin on Redd's chest, closed his eyes, and wagged his tail happily.

Just Redd and me - the day couldn't get any better. He sighed and looked at his husband with an loving look. His orange fur shimmered in the sunshine. "Got something for ya," the fox said and reached for something in the grass with his paw.

A daisy. "A pretty little flower for my pretty husband!" Redd tucked the flower behind Tom's ear. The tanuki giggled delightedly. "You're so cute!"
"You're cute!", Redd replied, touching Tom's nose with his.

He was about to give him a tender kiss, but was interrupted by a loud shout. "Yoo, Tom, Redd!" Lucifer ran towards them. Tom growled quietly. "Aaand the mood is gone ...", Redd mumbled unimpressed.

"What do you want this time, Lucifer?" The tanuki asked unkindly when the boy came to a stop in front of them. "Huh, that's not a very friendly welcome from you!" Lucifer said in mock sadness. "Anyway, I've planned something brilliant!"

Tom straightened up slightly. "And that would be...?"
"A party at my place!"
The older stared at him in horror. "A party?" He repeated. "No thanks. I'll pass."
"Whyyy?", Redd whined, who was immediately taken with it.

"That sounds great! I love parties!" Tom snorted annoyed. I should have known ...
"Come on, Nookie!", the fox begged. "Let's go!"
"I thought only we two would spend the day!", The tanuki replied offended. "We do!" Redd protested. "We're going there together!"

"But I don't want to!"
"Aw, don't be boring now, Nook," Lucifer said, amused. "It'll be fun. There's even alcohol!"
"Hell, yeah!" Redd said happily. "I wanna get really drunk again!"
"That's what I call a party mood!" the redhead said.

"Jesus christ...", Tom sighed. "You have no idea how Lucifer's parties are! Last time he was distributing drugs!"
"That was just weed, dude!" The younger defended. "A little weed won't do any harm," Redd said, grinning.

The tanuki sighed again. "Nevertheless-"
"I almost forgot!" Lucifer interjected . "K.K. Slider will come too." Tom pricked up his ears in surprise. "K.K. S-Slider ?!" he stammered. "Yep!" The boy grinned mischievously.

"Sooo? Will you cooome?" He hesitated and chewed his lip thoughtfully. Damn it, now he's talked me into it!
"F-fine!" Tom finally gave in. "For once ..."

"Nice!" Lucifer made a little jump for joy. "The party starts at 7 pm. By the way, it takes place in my garden," he informed them. "See yaaa!" Then the redhead was gone again.

"That'll be fun, you'll see!" Redd said excitedly. Tom sighed. Fun? More like a disaster ...

At around 7 p.m., Redd and Tom arrived at Lucifer's home. Many residents had already gathered in the garden. "Everyone seems to be in a good mood!" Redd stated. He grabbed Tom by the paw. "Here we go!"

Against his will, the tanuki was pulled along by him. Tom saw Lucifer chatting with Mabel at a table. "Cousin!", Redd called and waved to him. The redhead looked up and hurried over to them. Mabel followed him.

"The best come at the end!" He remarked. "Welcome, gentlemen!"
"Reeedd!" The blue hedgehog hugged the fox stormily. "Hey, Mabes!"
She giggled and then turned to Tom.

"And Tom came too, yay!" He too was greeted with a hug. "Hello, Mabel..." Lucifer clapped his hands. "Now we are complete!" He put both arms around Tom and Redd. "Gentlemen, may I offer you a drink?"

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