Firework's Festival

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"Step right up! Step right up to Redd's Raffle!"

Like every Sunday evening, the fireworks took place today as well. Firecrackers exploded in the sky with a loud bang, lighting up the island in bright colors. All residents had gathered at the plaza and watched the colorful spectacle with sparkling eyes.


Redd's ears perked up when he heard his favorite cousin's voice. Lucifer hastily walked towards him. His star booper on his head - which was so bright that Redd had to squint his eyes - dangled wildly.

He slapped 500 Bells on the counter. The fox grinned. "Again? Dontcha think that's enough for tonight?" Lucifer's turquoise eyes flashed angrily. "I won't stop until I finally win something else than those damn balloons!"

Redd took the money and counted it. "Maybe luck will be on your side this time." The redhead snorted, put his hand in the box and pulled out a ticket.

Redd stuffed the Bells in his pocket and took the ticket. "Oh, look at that!" he said, overly enthusiastic. "You pulled the number six! Congratulations! You won a pinwheel!"

Lucifer's eyes shone. "Oooh!" The fox presented him the prize and the boy looked at the pinwheel as if it were something valuable. Hadn't he ever seen a pinwheel? Or was he secretly still five years old?

The redhead trotted away contentedly and proudly showed his prize to the first resident who came his way. Redd snorted in amusement. Lucifer was just something special.

"Lucifer seems to be enjoying himself as always." Redd looked to his side as Isabelle padded to him and smiled over at Lucifer. The fox laughed lightly. "I suppose." The dog waved the fan she was holding in her paw and glanced back at the resident services.

"It's a pity that Tom doesn't want to join the festival. He's missing the fireworks!" Redd rolled his eyes and could only agree with her. "I can't believe he would rather work than have fun here. Such a bore!"

He took his hat off his head and waved wind in his face. Today was a muggy night. Isabelle giggled. "That's just how he is." Her gaze wandered back to the fireworks.

Redd stretched and shook his feet, already aching from standing. Tomorrow he would probably whine about it all day long. But first he had to drag this workaholic out of the resident services.

"Iz, can you hold the fort for a few minutes?" he asked the dog. "I'll check on Tom. Maybe I can convice him after all." Isabelle nodded eagerly, her bells jingling. "Of course! You can count on me!"

"Great! Thanks." Redd trotted towards the building, opened the doors, and stepped into the brightly lit room. "Hey, Nookie-baby!" Tom sat in front of the laptop and skillfully typed on the keyboard.

He stopped when he noticed Redd's presence and turned to him with a tired smile. "Redd, what are you doing here?" The poor tanuki looked exhausted. His eyes were half closed and dark circles were visible underneath.

"I just wanted to check on you!" the fox explained without commenting on his husband's damaged condition. He groped towards him and gave him loving hug from behind. "We miss ya out there." Redd planted soft kisses on Tom's cheek. "'Specially me."

Tom chuckled and leaned back in his chair. "I know, but I can't leave here. Someone has to stay at the resident services after all." Redd stifled a sigh. He had expected this answer.

"Come on babe. Would you rather work than watch the beautiful fireworks with me?" He smoothed the tousled fur on Tom's head, where he had probably passed his paw a thousand times.

"I can also see the fireworks from here," the tanuki contradicted and nodded towards the window. Redd remained unimpressed. "That's not the same."

Tom sighed, his beautiful sapphire blue eyes settling on him. "I understand that you are unhappy with that, but I can't help it. I still have so much to do and I can't keep up at all." He groaned in agony and propped himself up on the desk with his elbows.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2022 ⏰

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