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Arthur POV

I watch, in absolute helplessness, as the bandits proceed to tie Merlin to the wagon by the hands in the same rough fashion that they did me.

"He's injured!" I yell at them. "Just let him go!" They complete ignore me, a few smirking evilly. They head to the front of the wagon and I rush over to Merlin, who is still unconscious.

I shake him the best I can, with my tied hands and he moans. I take that as a good sign and keep going until he wakes.

"Arthur?" He gasps weakly. His eyes are wide and full of pain. I know in an instant if he continues on like this, he isn't going to make it.

"Hey, hey Merlin. Just stay awake for me, alright?" He nods, wincing.

"Does-does this mean I get the day off?" He gestures weakly to his wound, which is still bleeding profusely.

"Two." I say in a falsely bright voice. "Just let me clean it up a little...you look awful by the way." He makes a noise that somewhat resembles a laugh and I grimace.

I hate seeing him this way. I look around for something to use as bandages and settle on my jacket. I shrug it off before tearing it carefully into "even" strips. I lift his body up a little so I can wrap the strips around his stomach and he groans.

"Sh, sh." I say, nervously casting a glance over my shoulder towards the group of bandits, who are merrily celebrating their success in capturing us.

I finish bandaging him and am pleased to see that the blood flow has all but stopped.

"Get up." A gruff voice says from behind me. "I don't think I gave you permission to help him." After checking to make sure that Merlin is fine, well as fine as he can get in this state, I stand up and face the bandit, presumably the leader. My hands are still tied together, preventing me from punching the guy.

"I don't need your permission."

"Excuse me?" He says dramatically, before turning to his companions. "Looks like we got a fighter boys." I growl at him but hold my position. "On your knees boy."

"No." I stare firmly. No man tells me what to do.

"I said-" he knees me in the chest forcing me to fall to my knees. "-on your knees." I look down, refusing to give him the satisfaction of seeing my defeated face.

"Just let him go. He's already injured. Your not going to get any money on him." I whisper. He smirks evilly at me before replying,

"Ah well, you see, that's where your wrong." My head jerks up, panic grasping me. They can't have Merlin. I won't allow it. "Now, the Lady Morgana has offered a handsome price for both of you fellas. 'Nough riches to last us a life time she 'aid."

"Morgana?" I whisper brokenly.

"Yah. Now, we can do this the easy way or the 'ard way."

"You can't have him! I won't allow it!" I say attempting to lunge at him. They all start laughing as I continue my futile attack.

"I can see why she wants you two. Not many have the audacity to attack a fully armed man with nothing but their hands and only about one out of ten people actually survive the blade of a sword."

Giving up, I slump down beside Merlin, who is barely conscious. "Stay with me, Merlin. Don't die on me." I whisper to him.

" Never." He gasps, and, heaving a ragged breath, promptly goes unconscious.

I smile at him slightly. Forever the loyal one.


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