A boring, lonely life can often lead to being a Luftmensch

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Luftmensch~ (n.) an impractical dreamer with no business sense; one with their head in the clouds

A lot can happen in a life time. Or a few years, months, weeks, and sometimes even just a few days. When your a princess it can take forever for something exciting to happen. Especially when your parents are the king, queen, and overprotective. In which, they can have a point. With the occasional assasinater after the thrown.

Growing up, I always had limited friends. Only those from other kingdoms which we rarely visited anyways. Most times i had nothing to do, other than school of course, so i looked to books to get away from my boring life. Books of all kinds; romance, thriller, horror, mystery, and my favorite was adventure. I would always daydreamed, being the only thing to do. Father wasnt so pleased and wished i would spend my time "learning how to care for children or other womanly jobs" as he said. Mother would always send maids to fit me for dresses or to take care of my hair, being the long thick mane it was. They always have had very basic and straight veiws. We dont get along to well. Only when father and i have the occasional fake fighting with pillows or we chase one another.

I spent most of my life day dreaming to pass the dull time. My mind would run wild as i sat in the flower garden surrounded with daisies and sunflowers and tulips and anything you can imagine. I pictured living a more glamorous life, filled with friendship and happiness. I day dreamed of running away to find a mansion in the woods and living there. Or finding a prince and moving to his palace and being able to be me. Young me would have no clue that what one could only daydream of would soon become my life.

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