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To my SH/Fam/Friends/squad here in RPW

Hey guys. I can't wait to touch your boobs and squeeze it in real world. Nah kidding aside. There is this one day we will leave this fake world but I just wanna let you know that I won't never ever forget you. Our memories will remain forever in my heart. This world became my home and escape from reality and you're there beside me which made my RPW life unforgettable and full of laughter. Whenever I have problems in RW you're all there to make me smile. I found love and friendship here in this counterfeit world. I can't wait to reminisce how you mentioned me in rants and make SAWSAW. How our GC lags whenever there are issues spreadin' like a wild fire in RPW. There are times our friendship almost disintegrated but we survived that made our friendship stronger than before. I can't wait of our future meet ups and how we will wonder back in time. Guys, I'm really glad I found you in this fake world.

Hit it dudes
Don't worry guys this will be the last book.

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