Chapter 23.*

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This chapter is basiclly only smut...sooo enjoy!😉

I woke up with the sun shining thru the windows. I opened my eyes to see Xander, laying in the bed beside me, on his stomach. Making his back muscles flex. His back slowly going up and down, when he breaths.

This man is so perfect. And now he is mine.

I looked at my phone that was laying on the table beside the bed. 07:34. It's early. Maybe I can go and swim. And wait for the others to wake up?

Yeah. I'll do that.

I got up from the bed and changed into a bikini. Alena has packed very sexy clothes, I noticed now... It was a bikini, half black and half leopard pattern.
(Outfit in the bottom)

I took a white towel around me so that I had something to cover myself with. This bikini was very revealing and made my curves pop out. I was hot!

I got out of the room, after looking at Xander one last time. He slept like a baby.

So cute.

I walked down the stairs and saw that the glass door was already open.

Hmm. Someone else is also up.

I walked out and saw Andre in the pool. Alone.

"Hey!" I said making him look up at me. He smiled and said hey back. He and I talked for a bit, laughed had a water fight, and stuff. Until everybody else came out.

Now we're sitting at the table and are eating breakfast. It is fruit, bacon, eggs, everything you want. Xandra broke the silence of everyone's eating with.

"So. When can I expect grandchildren?" She said and smiled like a child, at me and Xander. I choked on my watermelon and laughed. Xander only smiled and chuckled.

"Mamma, ci siamo appena messi insieme." Xander said and patted my back.
(Mom,we only just got togheter.)

She only laughed. All the guys just sat and laughed at her question.

"Well...I mean, maybe in a few years. When we have gotten married and found our own home." Xander said, looking me in the eyes. I just stared at him wide-eyed.

Does he want to marry me?!

This man will be the death of me.

"Yeah, right son, I forgot to tell you, Your uncle is coming here tonight!" Xandra told Xander, smiling a bright smile at him and the guys. The guy's mood lit up even more.

"Uncle, Mario?" Leo said, smiling brightly.

"Si." She said. I just sat here like a dumbfounded giraffe.

"Ohh, sorry,gattina. Mario is my uncle. We're very close. And you will love him!" Xander told me. I smiled at his excitement. He's happy. Then I am happy too.

We ate our breakfast and chatted a little longer before we split up. Everybody else was going to shop for food, and stuff for tonight, making me and Xander all alone...

"Si, mama, bye, see you later." Xander said to his mom and kissed her cheek before they all went out of the house. Making us two alone.

He turned to me after he locked the door and picked me up bridal style.

"Now,gattina, It's just you and me." He said as he carried me up the stairs. He went to our room and closed the door with his foot. He laid me on the bed, making him lay on top of me.

He began to kiss my neck...down my collarbone. I still only had my bikini on. And he had a pair of black shorts and a white t-shirt.

"So perfect." He muttered as he kissed the end of my neck and the beginning of my shoulder.

✔️𝑈𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙 𝐷𝑒𝑎𝑡ℎ 𝐷𝑜 𝑈𝑠 𝐴𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡.18+(𝐵𝑂𝑂𝐾 1)   Where stories live. Discover now