I Do Adore (Mindy Gledhill)

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I love this story and the song it's based off of! It's super cute, and I hope you guys like!

You can do this Marissa. You can do this.

It was simple. All I needed to do was to walk up to Aaron and ask him if he wants to hang out sometime. Just as friends of course. Obviously.

Easy peasy.


You can do this.

I took a deep breath, clutched my school textbooks close to me, and began walking over to where Aaron was; standing and laughing with his friends on the stone steps leading up to the school.

Whenever he flashed his famous smile, his eyes twinkled with laughter. I felt my heart beat faster and my face turn pink.

You got this.

I was close enough now that I could make out bits and pieces of conversation. I could pick out Aaron's voice, laughing over something one of his friends said. Hearing his voice only made me blush harder, making me wonder why I was just so blessed to have such fair skin that exposed my every emotion.

Thinking I could try and cover up my red face with my long hair, I lowered my head and let my light blonde locks fall around me. Unfortunately, I was so focused on hiding my face, I didn't realize my shoelace was loose until it was too late. The world seemed to move in slow motion until I hit the hard, solid ground at Aaron's feet, knocking the air out of me. My textbooks and loose papers went flying everywhere.

"Whoa! Are you okay?"

My elbow hurt, and so did my knees, but my confidence was completely shattered. My face was on fire from the embarrassment, and I tried to hide it as Aaron helped my to my feet. His friends picked up my stuff and handed it to me.

"Um, thanks," I mumbled, too flustered to say much else.

"Are you alright, Marissa?" Aaron asked. I couldn't bring myself to look at him, but he sounded genuinely concerned.

"Yeah, i-it's ok, I-I'm sorry." I stuttered. "I'm really sorry, it was- it was the shoelace, and I wasn't looking, and I-I'm sorry. I just-"

"Hey, calm down, it's ok. I'm actually happy you're here; I've been meaning to ask you something."

That caught me off guard. "Really?"

"Well, yeah," He smiled. "I was just wondering if you wanted to go out to see a movie sometime. If you want."

He was usually so relaxed, I was surprised to hear an undertone of nervousness too his voice.

"I-I'd love to! Um, I'm free this Saturday, if that works..."

"Sure. I'll pick you up at your house at seven?"

"Uh, yeah, here's my address," I tore a piece of paper off of the ones in my arms and scribbled my address down before handing it to Aaron.

"Thanks, Mari. I'll see you then," He winked before turning and walking away, his group of friends in tow.

I stood there for a few moments longer; I was still in shock that Aaron, the Aaron, wanted to go out with me.

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