☆~Chapter 1~☆

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I stood in line with my fellow ward mates. It was choosing day at Cloverside fief, we stood facing the Baron, Baron Orson. They made us line up by hight, naturally I was at the end of the line since I was the shortest.

There were three others in line. My brother Easton, then Cassie and Uriah.

I chewed on my bottom lip nervously. I had no clue what I wanted to be, I wasn't good at calligraphy and delivering speeches, I had absolutely no interest in politics, and of course, I was too small for battleschool.

"Uhg I hate this" I thought. "I'm probably going to be stuck with working at a tavern or inn for the rest of my life" and that is not what I wanted to happen.

The Barron's assistant 'Kevin' rolled out his scroll and started talking. He was a lanky man, he reminded me of a weasle with his pointy nose and spindly limbs. "You! Uriah Weselten, step forward and address the Baron" he said smartly.

Uriah stepped forward quite quickly, but gracefully none the less.
Uriah was tall but not lanky like most male couriers, he had broad shoulders but he wasn't very muscled like my brother. He had dark brown hair and grey eyes, he had a handsome face and carried himself with purpose wherever he went.

Uriah nodded to the Baron then glanced towards Sir Sirius, the head courier of Cloverside fief. He then looked back to the Baron. "I wish to be a courier, my lord" he said clearly but not to loudly.

Baron Orson looked over to Sir Sirius for acceptance. Sir Sirius nodded his approval. "You shall attend the school at 7:30 a.m. tomorrow, clear?" He asked.

Uriah bowed his head. "Clear my lord". He stepped back into the line.

Next Cassie Rivers, a shy and quiet girl with brown curly hair that came to the end of her neck, she had unnatural pale purple eyes. She's always had a knack for calligraphy, although she isn't much of a talker. She picked going to scribe school with Lady Alexandra.

Next was my brother, Easton Trumane, we both have dirty blonde hair, blue eyes and the same small button nose. But somehow he got freckles and I didn't.

He stepped up to the Baron and chose to train to become a Knight at battleschool.

While they were talking things out I noticed a strange silhouette in the corner of the room. I couldn't tell who or what it was. It was kinda creepy, it only moved once and I think it was holding back a sneeze, at least thats what it looked like. Easton stepped back in line. I was about to point out the strange figure to him but. "Rielle Trumane!" My name was called. I took a quick breath in and stepped forward. My palms were starting to sweat with nervousness. My jaw was shaking. "Man this is so embarrassing" I thought.

I didn't realize that I had stood there for about a minute without saying anything. "Well Rielle?" Asked the Baron. I snapped back into reality. "Sorry" I said quietly. The Barron gave me a kind look and gestured for me to start.

"Uh...well, I didn't really pick anything" I said more confident then before. I heard a lot of murmuring from the craft masters and wards. The Baron raised his hand and stood up. "Please, silence yourselves!" He said above the chatter. Once everyone settled down he sat back down. He set his elbows on the table and clasped his hands together. "So Rielle, why haven't you chosen any occupation?" He asked calmly. I sighed in exasperation. "Well I can't cook I can't write that well or do calligraphy, politics scare me" I heard a few people suppress laughter at my politics statement. "And I'm pretty sure they don't let girls into battleschool, I also don't want to spend the rest of my life scooping horse poop" I said with a bit of an attitude. "I don't know what I want to do but I also know I want to do something important that could benefit more people than just me" I finished.

The room was quiet. Everyone was pondering what I had just said.

Then I saw it. I saw the silhouette move from the corner. As it came into the light I saw it was a man in a mottled green and grey cloak, I couldn't really make out his face because he was wearing a hood. He walked up to the Baron and whisperd something to him. I couldn't hear what he said. But the Baron was nodding his head as if he agreed with whatever the ranger had just told him.

The ranger then started walking towards me, I saw his face and we made eye contact. He had a gaze of steel, it was slightly frightening. He then walked past me and out the door. I stood watching him for a bit. Then the Baron started talking.

"It has been decided, you all may leave" he finished. The craft masters were the first to go, then my ward mates started leaving too. But my brother quickly spoke to me. "I wonder what they decided" he whisperd to me. "I hope it something good" I whisperd back. Everyone finished leaving so me and Easton started walking off too.

"Rielle, a moment" said the Baron. I stopped in my tracks. My brother stood at the door. "I'll be at the dorms" he told me. I nodded to him. He quickly left. I turned around and walked back to the Barron's desk. "Yes my lord?" I asked. He stood and crossed his arms. "Me and...my "council" have decided your best fit for a certain craft" he told me carefully. "A certain craft?" I thought. I was a bit confused with all the secrecy. "And what may that craft be?" I asked. The Baron scooted his chair in with his hand and walked around his desk to the front, he was now standing in front of me. A very serious expression was on his face. "It has been decided that you are to train to be a King's Ranger".

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