Chapter ten

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two weeks later

Cara was sitting by Niall's side in the bedroom where the doctors had done surgery to take the bullet out. The place wasn't really a hospital it was more like a clinic, Niall had a friends who worked for him as doctors, they had a little hospital room on the second floor.

She sipped on her coffee and rocked back and forth on her feet. It was nine in the morning, and she was gonna apologizes to the boys this morning but they were crashed out on the living room so she decided she will later.

The kids were still sleeping so she didn't bother to wake them up and check in later, plus the boys were there so they were good for now.

The doctor said he will be fine just needs to rest for a few days and let the wound heal. But knowing Niall, he wouldn't listen and work his ass off. No one really tells him what to do, not even Cara.

Cara left the room around ten thirty to check if the kids had woke up. When she entered the apartment she saw Zayn and Louis at the table drinking tea.

"The kids aren't up yet." Louis said and took a sip of his tea but still didn't look up at her, he was kinda upset and confused why she snapped at them two weeks ago. But he didn't want to push on her so he let it slid.

Cara nodded and put her sweater and coffee cup on the counter and left to her bedroom. She decided to get some rest and check back on Niall later.

Louis and Zayn sitting in the kitchen drinking and eating the leftovers from the night before, that's when Harry came walking in with his curls all over the place. He rubbed his eyes and gave a tired smile.

"G'mornin," He smiled and sat by Zayn. He leaned his head on his shoulder and closed his eyes.

"Is Ni back yet?" He asked and took a sip of Zayn's tea which tasted stale and making him gag.

"Not yet... but Cara just came back." Zayn said and shut his phone off and rested his head on his right hand, he mumbled something Louis or Harry couldn't make out.

Soon Cara came rushing out in the kitchen with her hair up and wearing sweatpants and long sleeve. She grabbed her bag and sweater and looked back at the boys.

"I'm gonna go see Niall... if the twins wake up make sure they eat something." She said and closed the door behind her and hurried down the hall to the elevator and onto the second floor.

When she opened the door and saw Niall, he was sitting at the edge of the bed with his phone in his hand. He looked up to see Cara standing there with eyes full of tears with a sad smile.

"Hey." He said and smiled and put his phone down on the bed.

"Hi," Cara whispered softly and blushed then looking away. "How are you feeling?" She said bit her lip to fight back her smile.

"I'm fine, just a bit sore." niall said and nodded.

Cara sighed and went over to him and pulled him in a hug. "I'm glad your okay.." she said and when she pulled away a few tears slip through as she stared at Niall.

"Don't cry.. I'm gonna be alright." Niall muttered and swiped his thumb under her eye to wipe her tears away. They stood in place looking at each other and about to lean in but pulled away when the nurse entered the room with a two pill bottles and bandages.

"Mr.Horan, since you just live on the next floor you're free to go, but you need to take these every day and night," She handed the pills and bandages over to Niall. "If anything happens just give us a call and we will be right there." She smiled and left the room.

"Can we go now, I'm hungry." Niall pouted playfully.

Cara chuckled and nodded, she grabbed the things from Niall's hands and stuffed them in her bag and helped him walk out.

"Are the kids up yet?" Niall asked and limped inside the elevator and leaned against the wall.

"No but the boys are up." She said and pressed the button up to the third floor, she rocked back and forth on her heal as she waited.

"They still didn't leave." Niall sighed and ran a hand through his hair, Cara gave him a confused look and shook her head.

"Niall, they're staying cause they still care about you and want to be close with the kids, two weeks ago they didn't even know they had a child but two. I know you may hate their guts and all but they are trying."

Niall stayed quite and but his lip, he tried not think about it but she was right, the twins and the boys don't know each other well. They don't know what Zaya or Elijah like or dislike, he sighed and pulled at his hair.

"I'm sorry. . . I know I shouldn't be rude or mean towards them but their stupid and pretty faces just piss me off." Niall grumbles and then the elevator dinged, Cara helped him out and walk down the hall to their door.

"It's okay, ya know.. to like be in love with them. . . I mean you guys been going out since the last year of high school." Cara said and smiled.

Niall sighed and pulled at his hair. "That's the thing, I don't know if I love them or hate them. . . It's too complicated." He whined as he leaned against the wall.

"Just take a easy on them." She smiled and grabbed the keys from her bag and opened the door. The four boys were sitting at the table with mugs in their hands.

They looked up at the two and gave a smile seeing Niall and that he was okay, and doing a bit better.

"Hey." Harry said and smiled with his dimples popping out and his curls a mess, he was sitting by Zayn and in front of Liam.

"Hi.." He awkwardly smiled and tried to take his shoes off. Cara quietly giggled and helped him with his shoes.

"Are you hungry I could make you something?" She asked putting her sweater on the coat rack. And taking her shoes off

"Yeah. . . I'm just gonna go change real quick." Niall mumbled.

"Do you need help?" Harry asked and quickly sat up and took a few steps towards Niall.

Niall looked back at the other three boys and back towards Harry and gave a shyly smile.

"I'm fine."

Butterflies [zianourry mpreg] EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now