Chapter twelve

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While Niall was working Cara decided to run some errands, she had the boys to watch the twins while she was out. She shopped in the mall for presents and decorations for Zaya and Elijah's party next week Logan asked if she could do it cause he had a family emergency.

Of course she yeah cause she was excited to decorate next week for the party. She knew what kind of  theme they wanted, they haven't stopped talking about it for awhile. So she made sure to grabbed my little pony and transformers decorations.

The present she brought for Zaya was collection of my little pony and a Barbie play house, and for Elijah she brought him cars and a bike.

She was looking at party city for the decorations in aisle when when a couple of guys approached her. She didn't pay any attention to them as she grabbed birthday banners, streamers and balloons, and threw them into the cart.

She didn't look in the direction of the guys that were cat calling at her, she just continue to walk away with the cart. When she turned to the next aisle she noticed they were still following her. She tried not to panic and try to continue shopping.

Whenever she was in a situation like this Niall wanted her to call him and he will deal with it. This had happened once before when she was shopping for food, a couple of guys followed her around the store and she wasn't aware of it. So for now on Niall always had her call him whenever this happens.

She dug for her phone in her purse that was in the cart when she felt someone wrapping their arms around her. She tried to push him away but they held a tight grip. She heard the other guys laughing and cheering on the guy who had his arms around her.

She zipped her bag and swag it across the guy's head, his grip loosened on her and she grabbed the cart and pushed it towards them. She quickly dialled Niall's number as she ran away from the guys that started to chase after her.

"Hello?" She heard Niall on the other end of the line, she took glance behind her and saw they were still following her.

"Niall there's a group of guys following me." She bit her lip and took a turn to exit the building.

She held onto her and bag to her side and on the other side of the phone was shuffling and muttering, she couldn't make out the words he was saying but he was speaking to someone who is with him though.

"Where are you?"

"I'm at the mall right now and making my way to the vehicle as we speak."

"I'm on my way, get into your car and lock the doors then wait for me there, just stay on the phone. I'm tracking your phone right now." 

"Okay..." She pulled out her car keys and tried to put the grey key into the key hole. But someone grabbed her from behind, she gasp and when she turned around it was one of the guys wth at were following her. She screamed and tried to break out of his grip.

"Let go of me you fucknut!" The man just chuckled and started to kiss on her neck. Her phone had fell onto the ground when she was grabbed, she could hear Niall yelling and shouting on the other side of the line.

"What's a beautiful thing like you doing here early this morning." His right hand locked her arms and his left hand moving up and down her body.

For Niall his blood was boiling with anger. He could hear Cara yelling and shouting for help and telling the man to leave her alone. He gripped the steering wheel and took a sharp turn, he was almost to the mall.

Right now he didn't care if he got recognize or seen, he cared about Cara's safety. He pulled up to the parking lot of the mall. There were really not much cars parked around the lot.

He parked next to Cara's car and jumped out right away and grabbed his gun and putting it in the back pocket of his jeans. He could hear Cara sobbing and whimpering, when he walked around the vehicle he seen the mans hands on her waist and going down.

"Get your fuckin' hands off her!"

Niall stood at least four feet away from the two, he was ranging with anger. His eyes were not a soft and warm blue like they use to be but they held a cold and scary stare towards the man who has his hands on Cara.

"Chill out blondie, we're just having fun." The man chuckled.

Niall gave a warning look but the mans hands still remained on her body. He pulled the gun out from behind and pointed it towards the man who immediately let go of Cara.

"W-woah chill man." He held his hands up and started to back away.

Niall walked closer with the gun still pointing at him, he had a straight face with no emotion. His blue eyes glaring at his hazel eyes.

"When a girl or woman say no, it means fuckin' no.
It doesn't mean 'convince them'. And there's no need to act like a fuckin' child because you didn't get what you wanted."

"I-I understand man.. can I g-go?" He was shaking with fear as he stood in place and stared back at Niall's blank impression.

"I don't think you do understand," he clenched his jaw and raised a brow. "Sucks you didn't get to die old."

Then BAM! he shot the man in the upper chest, he dropped dead to the ground with blood spilling out fast. His lifeless body just laid there in a puddle of blood.

Then he turned back to Cara. She had her eyes closed and her hands on her ears as she blocked out the loud gun shot. Niall walked over to her and pulled her into a hug as she cried and he rubbing her back and trying to calm her down.

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