start of u.a and slime villain

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A couple of months after the how do people like to say the drive by incident izuku has not been liked by a couple of people but that's not the thing we see our green haired protagonist in a bar and why a bar you might ask who fucking knows

Izuku drinking bottle after bottle just not caring that the people in said said bar are wondering how the hell can
One kid finish all of those bottles of beer

Until one person he knows very well comes into the bar and it starts off like this

???:problem child what the the hell are you doing here

Izuku recognizes that voice anywhere he looks up at aizawa who still looks like he hadn't even gotten any sleep

Aizawa:are going to sit there looking at me like that or are we going to talk

Izuku:what's there to talk about cause from where I'm sitting someone set this up

Aizawa:yes someone did it was you're parents

Izuku:why in the hell would you listen to them when they're the ones who fucking forgot my ass like I'm the goddamn bubonic plague all cause I'm quirkless and all that other shit

Aizawa:yea I'm still pissed about to so I just came here to ask if you want to get adopted by me

Izuku:why didn't you fucking say so

Aizawa who looks like he wants just nap in the bar said:pretty much I've known about the neglected from before.while saying that the tv shows a breaking knows bullentin saying that a sludge  creature has just takin one kid hostage

The bartender is like don't do it don't do it please don't do it and with that izuku jumps from the stool bust out of the bar flying towards the site to where it's happening.

Random bartender:this is the 5th fucking time he's done this already hey get back here you heroes are paying for my fucking roof ugh damn kid.

While izuku is flying there he sees the one person that pisses him off seeing that face he starts free falling towards the danger already in his suit

While izuku is flying there he sees the one person that pisses him off seeing that face he starts free falling towards the danger already in his suit

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Alright officer wants happening asked izuku

Officer 1: hey your all might and green diamonds kid

Izuku:no I used by those bitches neglected me because I didn't have a quirk and then my sister and her bitch crew bullied me for it.

Officer 1:think you can take care of the sludge creature

Sludge creature:man you so called heroes are some pussies if you can't defeat me

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Sludge creature:man you so called heroes are some pussies if you can't defeat me.
While holding katsuki hostage whose looking at the creature with a lot of hate  he sees one person who in his mind who is still useless

Izuku:if you want useless sakura is just your person

Me:dude ya not wrong there

Izuku:quite the predicament ya got yourself into bakugou I'd laughed if I had a choice oh no wait I do "laughing " about said persons predicament
While said person is fuming screams can be muffled be the sludge

Sludge creature:who the hell you supposed to be with that tight ass wolverine outfit on

Izuku:make this easy on yourself man I got a lot of shit to do

Sludge creature:why asshole

For one reason or another our protagonist is not looking happy

Izuku:that's not my name

Sludge creature:assssshhhhoooollllleee

Izuku:call me an asshole one more time

Sludge creature:asshole

Without a moment's notice izuku thunderclaps the villain sending him everywhere while bakugou drops to the ground

Bakugou:what the hell deku I didn't you're help I had under control

Izuku:yea from where from where I was standing you were looking like a bitch in a one of those hentai bout to get butt fucked you know what I'm out here peace.

Timeskip to a couple of months izuku is standing in the u.a building thinking of ways to sneak beer into the joint.

Izuku:well let's get the shit show over with

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