Chapter 1

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Before I Proceed with the chapter,
This story is only mine please dont copy its my humble request.

Thanks JSKreationz for the sweet cover 😘😘


1. Abhay Sharma(Harshad Chopda) and his adopted parents are Abhinav And Anita Sharma, His step sister is Pooja Sharma. He's friends are Ranbir, Sonam and Sunny.

2. June Rozario(Jennifer Winget), she's an orphan.

Chapter 1

A person is shown carrying a pocket knife. The person was covered with a hoodie. Two people were begging the person.

They said, "What have we done? Please leave us, we beg of you."

The person replied, "Why should I have mercy on you guys? Who told you two to complain about me?"

He stabbed them.

A girl yelled 'Mom, Dad!"

She saw the killer and thought, "One day, I'll surely get you."

She was weeping and exclaimed, "Mom, Dad Please get up! How can I live without you?"

The police and the ambulance came there. The girl knelt down and kissed her parents.


A girl is shown sitting at the INDIAN EMBASSY.

A person said, "You can meet now just get in."

She replied, "Thank you."

She knocked and got in the cabin.

A guy exclaimed, "So, Ms JUNE ROZARIO tell me something."

She nodded and he continued, "Why are you applying for an Indian passport while you're a spardian, what's the matter?"

She replied, "Sir, My Mom was from India and I found out about her properties there so, its important for me to go and Mom's relatives want me to stay there for my entire lifetime so, I've to go back coz Dad has no relatives here in Barcelona."

He said, "Hmm, I understand but anyways, You'll get your passport in 2 weeks and then you can apply for the ticket, okay?"

She nodded and replied, "Thank you, Sir."

She left the embassy and started walking home.

She reached home and packed her stuffs.

She looked at a photo frame and said, "Dad, I'm going back to India, I've no one here and also, you and Mom passed away so, I've no point of staying back, I know that I was born and brought up here but I've to go."

She kept the frame in her bag and left.

A month later

She reached India and walked out of the airport.

She looked around and saw someone who had her name on a paper card.

She approached him and exclaimed, "Excuse me, I'm June Rozario."

The guy replied, "Okay, Please come with me."

The guy kept her luggages in the boot and the journey started.

She said, "Who are you?"

He replied, "I'm your cousin and the name is Yash."

She continued, "Oh okay, nice to meet you."

He exclaimed, "Btw(By the way), Amma(Mom) found for you a college."

She replied, "Oh! Anyways, I've heard about a book called REVELATION, do you know about it?"

He was puzzled and continued, "Never go behind it that's my advice It'll be dangerous."

She replied, "How do you know about it?"

To Be Continued........

Hope you've enjoyed the first chapter, the second one is to be updated soon!

Please vote and comment! I really need many of them otherwise I may not continue.

Your Writer,

The Revelation(On Hold) Slow UpdateWhere stories live. Discover now