New beginnings

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As soon as both greet,they look away. The awkwardness intensifies due to the silence,the lass bites her lip not really expecting to see him out of all people.
They are no strangers,in fact they know each other well. However,they don't really get along. Most of their interactions consisted of heavy insults,death glares and even competing for they're not exactly two peas in a pod. Why? When did this mutual hatred began? Well,let's go to the very beginning,the first day of school for the girl in question.I should let her tell the story.
Katsumi's pov
I open my eyes to see a school right in front of me..wait a second. This looks exactly like the high school of that dating I inside the game? God,I feel like I'm dreaming..
I pinched my cheek really hard to see if it hurts,it hurt like a byotch. So I am not dreaming..oh no. I am stuck inside a game.
I sighed in frustration,walking inside the school for my first day. The bell rang and I saw every student walk towards their class door,but I was completely lost. I spent 15 minutes looking for my class because no one bothered to give me a logic at its finest. I finally find the door and walk in,huffing due to me running around. The teacher spots me and smiles,pulling me by the arm facing the front of the class:
–Teacher,I apologize for being late.
–Make sure to be early next time,alright?-the teacher gives an understanding smile. Thank goodness he spared my soul.-Anyway,give a warm welcome to our new student! Tell us something about yourself,dear.
The students all look up to me with deadpan expressions,I take a deep breath before speaking to calm my anxiety down. I start speaking:
–Hello class,my name is Katsumi. I am 17 years old and I live nearby the school,about 2 blocks away. I like music,particularly to play the flute and the ukulele.
–Wonderful! You can sit down next to Amy over there.-he points to a seat next to a short black haired girl,with hazel eyes. She seems really shy and introverted.
I walked towards the seat,pulling my seat gently as I sat down,crossing my leg. The teacher immediately goes back to his English lessons. I was writing down what the teacher put on the board,but then I heard a whisper coming from behind:
–Psst! Psst..hey! Katsumi!-they whisper. I turn my head around to face another girl. This one has a low ponytail and two bangs on her face,along with blue eyes and a huge smile. Her hair is a light caramel color. She looks extroverted:
–What do you want?-I whisper back,glancing back at the teacher so we don't get caught.
–Hey,my name is Celeste! Wanna grab lunch with me and Amy later?-Amy then looks at me and to her least I think they are. I nod and turn back to the board,writing everything else down on my notebook. To be honest with you,I never thought making friends was THIS easy. Wish it were like that in real life…
A few minutes later,the teacher dismisses the class due to us finishing work earlier. I walk out of the class with Amy and Celeste,to get to know ourselves better. We walk towards our lockers to get ready for Math class:
–So,how did you two meet?-I ask as I grab my Math book and notebook from my locker. I plan to customize it later,like Celeste. Her locker is so full of life..and music. I learned today that she likes to play piano,Amy prefers photography,so her locker has mini fairy lights and photos while Celeste has music notes and sheets everywhere.
–Well,Amy was getting bullied by this group of girls so I HAD to step in!-Celeste said with pride,her eyes shine. Her thumb points to her chest.
–Yea..-Amy gives a smile to Celeste.-She saved me from them! They were mean..
–I am so sorry,you don't deserve it.-I say as I pat Amy's shoulder,giving a reassuring look to her.-We won't let that ever happen,right?
–Yes!!-Celeste jumps up. She has as much energy as a child on sugar. 
We only kept talking as we closed our lockers. We were about to walk to Math class,but they stopped walking,staring lovingly into someone's eyes. I tilt my head and look into their direction to see a boy walking,but in this school's standards he isn't a regular one.
He was blonde with blue sparkling eyes,with a smile on his face...are you serious? He looks like the dream boy for every girl basic. Perfect hair,eyes and smile..and happens to look stunning to everyone..definitely a heartbreaker and a jerk. The girls stare at him in awe,while I give a deadpan. 
–Senpai!!-Celeste and Amy yell. Is this day only going to get worse..?

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