29. What Happened

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So I was laying in my bed last night, thinking about how I wished I could just shift easily like all of those shifting youtubers do. All I can remember before I fell asleep??? I think?? Was just thinking about shifting itself and not even a specific DR. When I opened my eyes again, I was in this really weird, ginormous high school. I thought it was a dream, but it was super odd because in the back of my mind I was aware... idk how to describe it. Everything felt super vivid and real. I remember that I knew I had to get to class, but I kept getting lost in this massive high school, and I didn't see another student for the whole fifteen minutes I was wandering around down the hallways. It's sounds scary but it really wasn't. It just felt like an unfamiliar but pleasant thing idk.

I think at some point it started raining?? Inside and I remember looking up and the roof was open kinda like a sky light. So so far everything was prettyyyy weird and it really sounds like some random dream.

But then...

I finally made it to the classroom I was supposed to be in. I saw a couple people from my real life sitting at desks, and the room was huge and white and there were like big windows? I think and the desks and the entire room was really pristine. I remember feeling really relieved and one of my classmate was like joking with me that I missed the room so many times when literally all of those hallways I was talking about earlier connected to this same classroom. Lmao idkkk.

So I was standing there, looking around, I'm assuming for a place to sit?? And I turn to the right and sitting at one of those big black desks that you can write on with chalk were the WEASLEY TWINS. Bro what.

They didn't look like they did in the movies, but I still knew it was them. After seeing them, THATS when it hit me that I had shifted!!!!! Which, honestly, doesn't seem like the most probable conclusion to make bc everything up to that point of realization sounds a lotttt like a weird dream.

Anyways, I clapped my hand over my mouth and kind of muffle-screamed into my palm bc I was so excited and suddenly I became fully aware and I could kinda sense that I was in two places at once if that makes any sense at all.

Then I was like:

Omg. I just screamed in front of Fred and George like a psycho. I gotta dip.

So I didddd and the way that I "left" really convinces me that I did, in fact, shift.

(The way everything reacted to me want with to go back really confirmed for me that I had shifted.)

I know it sounds dumb but idk it was kind of a blur. I just felt like I had to go bc I screamed 😂.

Idk I think I was just too excited and shocked to think straight.

Anyways, as soon as I started thinking about shifting back, I could suddenly hear my shifting subliminal that I had been listening to while falling asleep playing kind of deep back into my consciousness?

Idk the best way I could describe it is like:

That feeling when you're underwater, and everything you hear is muffled and you can still perceive sounds but they don't sound right, and then when you slowly come back up to the surface, everything eventually sounds crystal clear and normal and right.

That's what happened as I shifted back. The classroom kind of melted away to darkness, but the specific darkness of the back of your eyelids when your eyes are closed.

So as the classroom melted away, I could hear my subliminal getting clearer and clearer, and the whole time, my entire body felt like it was falling backwards through different 'layers' of reality.

It felt like how it looks when Barry Allen in the show the Flash you know? Haha just look up a pic of him running if you don't know.

Like when he's running, there are layers of himself behind him like afterimages almost??

Shifting to Hogwarts 🕯⚡️🦉🧦Where stories live. Discover now