Chapter 1

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Scout whinnied, pawing the ground of the horse trailer. It had been moving for hours. It finally stopped, and Scout heard footsteps getting out of the car and coming to open the trailer door. The door opened and the red bay horse was met with sunlight, and a girl holding a head collar and lead rope. She spoke to Scout gently, walking slowly toward him and putting the head collar on him. 'Good boy, easy now.' She said. A woman stepped out of the car and stood in front of the horse box. 'Well done, Zoe. Put him in the stall next to Raven.' The woman said. 'Ok, Sam.' Zoe said. Zoe patted Scout's neck. 'Welcome to your new home, Scout! You're going to get on well with Raven. He's my horse.' Zoe talked to him as she led him into the stall.

 'Hi Zoe! Is that the new horse? He's gorgeous!' A girl with blonde hair exclaimed. 'Hey, Becky! Yeah, we  just brought him in. His name's Scout.' Zoe replied. 'Look at that marking on his forehead!' Becky walked over to him, looking at the star and connected stripe on young stallions forehead. 'I know, right? He's so pretty! I can't wait to start riding him.' Zoe said, opening the stall door and leading Scout inside. A black stallion whinnied softly to Scout. He snorted back. 'Hey, Raven! This is Scout. I have a feeling that you two will be friends.' Zoe petted the black horse's nose. Her phone buzzed, startling Scout slightly. 'Oh, that's my mum texting me. Dinner's ready.' She said. 'Goodnight, guys.' She said, petting each horse on the neck. Then, she walked out of the stables. Scout was asleep in seconds. He hadn't slept in days. He decided that tomorrow he'd make some friends and let the humans train him. That part would be a challenge, given the way his last owner tried to train him, but he was going to try his hardest.

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