Chapter 6

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Scout made his way through the moorlands and forests all night, and well into the next day. He kept his head low to the ground, and his ears pinned back. His leg injury from the previous day was in excruciating pain, but he had to keep going. 

It was late in the afternoon, and he continued the journey. He had travelled uphill for hours through yet another forest, and was approaching the top of the hill at last. At the top of the hill, he put his head up to look at his surroundings. His ears went forward and he reared up in joy when he saw what was beyond.

It was Bright Fields.

He couldn't believe he made it. He suddenly forgot the pain in his leg, and began cantering down the hill, ears forward. He kept his eyes on the stables. It was still quite far away, but that didn't matter to him. He'd made it. That was all that mattered. He began to gallop as fast as he could through the fields, determination in his eyes.

Scout skidded to a halt when he reached a tall gate, with barbed wire at the top. He peered over it. The gate was the only thing standing between him and Bright Fields. He took a few steps back  and pawed the ground. He broke into a fast canter, and leapt over the gate. The barbed wire grazed his stomach painfully, but he landed safely on the other side of the gate. He whinnied happily, rearing up, before breaking into a fast gallop once again across the fields. 

After some more galloping, Scout finally reached the outskirts of Bright Fields Stables. The sun was setting by now. He slowed to a trot, approaching the horse pasture. He greeted Raven, Bob, Ariel, and Major. The horses, even though they didn't know Scout all that well, still seemed happy to see him. Scout suddenly heard a gasp behind him. He turned around, and saw Zoey. She had her hand over her mouth in shock. 'Scout?!' She exclaimed, running towards him. She put her arms around his neck. 'I missed you so much, I thought I'd never see you again!' She cried. She gasped again when she saw his leg. 'Come on, Scout. I'll get you into the stables. ' She said to him, leading him by the bridle. She led him into the stable yard, where Becky and Jade were getting feed ready for the horses. They gasped when they saw Scout, dropping the feed buckets on the ground. 'You found him?!' Jade exclaimed.  'I knew he'd come back!' Becky cried.

Everyone in the stables crowded Scout for a while, all of them in disbelief as to how he managed to get back to Bright Fields. Eventually, Zoey led him into a stall and gave him a bucket of water and some feed, took off his saddle and bridle and put ointment on his saddle sores. 'Good boy, Scout. Get some rest, now. I hope you'll be up for the tournament in a few days...' Zoey said to him over the stall door. 'But that doesn't matter now. You're home, that's what matters.' She smiled at him and hugged him, before leaving to bring feed to the horses. 

Scout heard a whinny next to him.  He looked up and saw Raven. The black stallion peered over the stall divider, his ears forward. Scout touched noses with Raven, and the two horses stood there for a minute, happy to be together again, before separating. 

Scout drank his water and ate his feed and laid down on the soft straw on the floor of his stall. He closed his eyes and thought of the tournament. He was going to try his best. He knew it wouldn't matter if he didn't win, because unlike his old owners, Zoey loved him unconditionally. But for now, he had to rest. He'd worry about the tournament the next day.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2023 ⏰

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