Peaceful Summer

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I was never afraid. I mean, why should I be. I suppose I got to the point that I just didn't care anymore.
Sitting on the top of a dirt, cliffy hill, that surround Clear Water Lake in Missouri, I looked down at the cool, clear, shining, morning water.
I enjoyed summer the most, which was funny, as everyone else in my family preferred the season that they were born in. But, then and again, no one else was named after the season either. The name Autumn is a beautiful name, in my opinion, but sometimes I wondered what it would be like having a more....normal name?
If there was one way to describe me, it would be that time doesn't affect me. For me, everything took forever. Sitting on the hill, gazing into the water, I didn't realize how much time passed until my mom called me up for lunch.
Sighing, I got up and made my way to the cabin.
August 18th.
Only 2 more weeks till school.
Once I finished eating, my mom and dad called me into the living room.
"Autumn, we need to tell you something."
"We moved you to a different school."
I stood there motionless, soundless and just nodded my head. An silence settled in the room.
"Say something, Autumn," my mom asked.
"Aren't you annoyed?" my dad added.
"No. I just don't mind. But to where?"
"The international school. Green Oaks."
"If it makes you feel any better, Summer's mom told me she's moving there too."
"I'm glad." I managed to smile.
With that I left the living room and went back to the lake.
As the days passed by, I watched the lake change. Sometimes I would see ripples on the surface, other times it would be still. The sun rays and the surroundings' colors harmonically contrasted together to color the water to the eye. Of course, the water wasn't bark brown, leafy green, sunlight yellow or sunset red, orange and pink. It was just something we could see. But it was still beautiful.
Soon I noticed the days grow chillier and realized summer was drawing to a close. I was sad to leave Missouri, but I looked forward to retuning to Colorado.
"It's time for you to come back indoors. You need to pack your stuff."
With great sadness, I made my way back to the cabin.

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