Chapter Ten: Hello Sir?

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" Tell you what?" My breathing becoming rabid, my mind couldn't think straight. And neither could my body.

" Why?" The man spoke hitting me again but this time with his fist as a warm substance ran down my face.

" Why did he choose you?" Confusion overtook my face.

Why would he ask me that?

" I- I dont know. I was on - on deaths door" Screaming once again as my body began to shake. It hurts, it really hurts.

" Plea-s- Please stop" I cried, no sobbed as my body couldn't take the amount of voltage entering my body.

" Just answer the bloody que-"

Jumping out of my bed I collapsed onto the floor. My breathing uneven as the pitch black room began to show spots of light.

Breathe.. breathe..

Counting over and over again as I place my head between my legs.

This is what I get mostly every night, replaying over again. Sometimes it would be the worse memories and others would be a little less.

This memory not being the worse i had, but they all seem to shake me up the same way.

' Its strengthening' he says...

I could show him strength...

Reaching over to grab my phone, the light blinding me for a few seconds as I had to squint to read the time..


At least it's not 1 or 2, then I'd be a walking monster..
Their is no way I could get back to sleep after that..

Pushing myself off of the floor I walk towards my wardrobe.

I wonder if they heard me but couldn't be bothered to get up. Or did I really not make any sound at all.

Wiping my face of anything wet that had previously drizzled down...

I am not looking forwards to this mopping of all the halls, its going to take forever...


This will do, looking at myself in the mirror once I had finished brushing my teeth and hair.

Looking down at myself. I look nice!

 I look nice!

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