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"so how was your day yesterday when you left early?" namjoon asked as he organized some papers, him and minji hung out during recess since minji hated the sun that shined outside.

"sad, appa is in the hospital and jinnie said i can't see him for a few days" she mumbled, drawing a picture of her and yoongi. namjoon couldn't help but frown, no wonder her hair wasn't styled, "that can be really sad, i understand. do you know why he's in the hospital?" he asked, he was worried about yoongi "no, jinnie said he hurt himself, think he fell down, don't know but i miss him" she frowned, namjoon could tell the girl was really sad.

"i'm sure your appa will be fine, it's upsetting but i know that in a matter of time, you'll see him again" namjoon said, minji hummed "jinnie said something about d-depression and mental help?? don't know what that means, can you tell me?" minji asked, namjoon thoughts began racing, did yoongi attempt suicide?

"depression is a really big and strong feeling of sadness. mental help is a person or group that can help you feel better when you're really sad" namjoon explained, minji nodded and grabbed a blue crayon to color the sky in her drawing.

namjoon was upset too, but he decided not to call whoever was in charge of minji at the moment since everyone was probably stressed enough. he really should be calling child protective services but he knew yoongi would be more upset.

"you can't tell any other student but i'm going to give you a little bag with candy and toys" he said, he gave them to students who were going through a rough time in hopes of them feeling better, no wonder he was chosen teacher of the year 2 years in a row.

minji gladly accepted it, a bright smile on her face "i'm gonna need you to put it in your backpack, okay?" he said, minji nodded, jumping up and down, namjoon smiled.

minji looked a lot like yoongi, she had inherited his nose, eyes, and lips, he wanted to know more about yoongi, minji was so bright so he had to be bright too, right?

all he could think about was the fact that yoongi was in the hospital, why was he in the hospital? minji mentioned something about depression and mental help, using his brain, he could assume yoongi was in the hospital for that but he really hoped he wasn't.


"don't wanna eat lunch" minji mumbled, namjoon frowned, "why not?" he asked, the girl was eating lunch with namjoon, minji claimed there was some girls picking at her, namjoon would definitely have a talk with them.

"miss my appa, a lot. he didn't make my lunch today, jinnie did" she said, namjoon really wished he could do something more than just reassuring her she would see yoongi soon, he hated when his students were upset, it was the worse.

"your appa would want you to be try your best eating, i'm sure your appa would make you lunch if he could, the hospital is making sure he can do that again" he said, minji hummed, "i want to hug my appa" she mumbled, yoongi was the person minji loved most, the person she was most attached to.

"i know, i'm so sorry you can't but you soon will" namjoon said, minji nodded, "how many days till i can see appa?" she asked, namjoon really wished he knew.

he walked minji to the calendar, there was a little gingerbread man on the day they were currently in. he grabbed some stickers and they both sat on the ground.

"i'm going to put stickers on the day's you might see your appa" namjoon said, minji smiled and nodded, she watched namjoon put stickers on days that were a while away.

most kids her age didn't understand the concept of time but she did and that really shocked namjoon, he figured yoongi taught her that. he admired yoongi, a single parent in college that worked, and still made time for his daughter.

"i hope you can see your appa soon, do you want to tell me more about him?" namjoon asked, minji eagerly nodded.

"appa reads to me a lot, my favorite one is 'the very hungry caterpillar'! he reads when i go to sleep, he uses his computer for school and he has a lot of big books to read! i wanna be just like appa! we play teacher and student, he's the student but sometimes he plays teacher" she said, she was really happy talking about yoongi and namjoon could tell.

"your appa sounds really nice, would you say he's a hard worker?" he asked, minji nodded, causing her hair to jump up and down, "he works after i finish school and he goes to his school during the day, sometimes he's really tired and goes on his phone" minji said, namjoon nodded, he couldn't imagine how exhausted yoongi must be at times.


seokjin and jungkook picked up minji from school, seokjin was spending a lot of time with jungkook since he was upset, jungkook made his day a little bit better.

"how was school today?" seokjin asked, jungkook had stayed with seokjin at night to comfort him since the boy was extremely sad.

"mm good, gave me a goodie bag" she said, she missed yoongi a lot, more than a lot, "can i see my appa?" she asked, namjoon told her that she probably wouldn't see him that day but she still decided to ask, "no, not yet, i miss him too, we'll see him soon, okay?" seokjin said, forcing a small smile on his face.

all three of them missed yoongi a whole bunch.


this is short but next chapter will be better i swear. tysm for the support! stay safe and healthy! qotd: favorite childhood memory?sorry for any mistakes

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