aone and asahi

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A/N: Hi hi! This is pulled right off of my Ao3 (@/ moooonpies)! All works  (minus 'x readers') will be public on my Ao3 first! I hope you enjoy! ^^

(Aone is mute in this!! Established relationships:))

Aone walked inside the house, tired. He slipped his shoes off and slipped his arms out of his jumpsuit. With a gentle grunt, he pushed himself off the wall and walked into the living room. His lips upturned slightly when his eyes stopped on his boyfriend asleep on the couch.

Asahi's hand held a bowl of unfinished spinach and ricotta ravioli. Aone took the bowl out of his hand and placed it on the coffee table. He reached forward and took Asahi's bun out, knowing it gave him a headache when he woke up. Aone ran a gentle hand through Asahi's loose hair, fanning it out. Asahi let out a soft groan so Aone took a step back.

He walked away from Asahi, going into the bathroom for a well-needed shower. Aone washed off all his grime and sweat from a hard day at work. He let the hot water run down his hair to his back. A soft knock on the door made him jump slightly, "Taka?"

Aone turned the water off. He stepped out and wrapped the towel around his waist, opening the door. Asahi took a step back and smiled, leaning forward to kiss him.

"Your dinner is on the table," Asahi said, cheeks dusted red. Aone nodded and reached forward to hug Asahi. Asahi laughed and wrapped his arms around Aone, "Go get dressed, Taka," He let go and Aone followed suit after a few seconds.

Asahi let out another soft laugh and walked into the living room. Aone got dressed before walking into the living room. He sat next to Asahi and rested his head on Asahi's shoulder. "Long day?" Asahi asked and shifted so he was holding Aone. Asahi played with the ends of Aone's short hair waiting for an answer. When he was met with a lack of  signs he pulled away to look at his boyfriend's face, "Honey?"

He nodded and buried his head deeper into Asahi's shoulder. Asahi sighed, "Did something happen on the bus?" Aone nodded, moving his hand from between him and Asahi to sign, "Children"

"Did they say something to you?"

"They cried,"

"I'm sorry honey. I'm sure they meant no harm by it. Were they young?" Aone nodded and moved even closer to Asahi, "Did anything else happen today?"

"Work was so long," Aone signed with a heavy exhale.

"Well, how about you relax here and I can warm up your food? You can put a movie on and I can make some quick brownies," Asahi said and took his hand out of Aone's hair and kissed his forehead. Aone nodded and watched as Asahi walked into the kitchen, coming back a minute later with a hot bowl of butter and pesto ravioli. He handed Aone the bowl, "I put the kettle on for tea. Do you want the green tea or hibiscus?"

"Hibiscus please," Aone signed and grabbed the bowl of ravioli. Asahi nodded, about to walk away but Aone grabbed his hand, "Thank you,"

Asahi smiled, "It's no problem, Taka," He leaned down to kiss Aone's cheek, "I'll be right back. Let me make your tea and put the brownies in the oven. I'll be back in 15 minutes tops,"

A small smile painted its way onto Aone's face. He rested back against the couch and brought the Italian dish up to his lips. His boyfriend's cooking never failed to make him feel at ease. Asahi was picture perfect in Aone's mind. He cared for him, didn't find him scary. Asahi showed Aone his love every day, even if they got upset with each other they never failed to say they loved each other. Asahi always made sure Aone ate and took care of himself and vice versa. Asahi always held Aone when needed and knew how to read him like an open book. Aone was so deeply in love with Asahi.

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