It's so cold, Ryo. It's freezing.

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You remembered leaving them both with a warm feeling in your stomach. Pure satisfaction. Butterflies were even dancing in synchronisation. Everything felt complete. As you left Ryo's beautiful apartment, you started your long trek home. Your e/c eyes couldn't help but fall upon the captivating scenery. Oh, the tranquility of the trees slowly dancing in the cherry-scented breeze. A friendly wave and call from the baker as she rolled over dough with her strong, but oh so tentative hands. The occasional odd distant sound, rustling of leaves, but nothing too unusual. It was a regular, perhaps positive day. Perhaps a day where love would blossom. And you'd return to your homely bed and fall asleep with a grin painting your face, the stars' silhouettes dancing on the bedroom walls in excitement.

But you never made it home.

It wasn't purposely. It wasn't by chance. It wasn't something that would happen as a result of stupidity.

It happened so abruptly that it knocked you off your feet. Air escaped from your lungs like people sprinting fearfully from a fire. Wind was knocked from your chest so harshly that you let out an awfully violent cough, vermillion blood splattering the murky pavement beside you.

The birds stopped singing. The crows stopped their joyful call. The smell of fresh cherry pies ceased until it was nothing more than a rotting odour of pouring crimson blood and crackling bone. The painted canvas sky of colour faded into a sickening monochrome grey. A black aura grew around your vision field. Menacing, malevolent demons danced mid-macabre behind the white glacier of your eyes. Your head spun in circles so fast that you could picture yourself on a rollercoaster.

Electric blue whirled around and around you. Red lights flashing. People screaming in excitement. Distant and distorted fairground music. Grappling hands pushing the ride abruptly. Your head jerking fearfully back and forth, liable to snap off brutally and roll into the distance, mocking you. Screaming faces whizzed past and became distorted. Ambulance sirens wailed in mourning.

Alarm clocks ringing.

Then birds were singing.

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