Silence of the hills.

562 21 11

Why am I so cold?

Where is he?

Where is he?

It's so quiet. It's so peaceful.

Your hands grasped at lengths impossible to reach. You were slowly descending. The air felt icy against your cheeks, but yet, so warm. So beautifully inviting, like the open flame of a dancing log fire. The serenity was captivating as you fell further and further, your arms stretching out as a smile littered your face. The cracked corners of your lips crept into a happy grin, a wingspan erupting behind you that you'd only ever seen on the screen. Gigantic white appendages flung from your shoulder-blades, tearing your skin in a malicious crack.

It's so pretty up here! Why.

Why am I falling if it's so pretty up here.

Who am I.

You questioned your very existence as a physical being as your e/c eyes gazed upwards into the cinematic cerise sky, observing the stars twirling in a synchronised manner. Everything was spinning. It all felt so light. But you were still falling, descending into nothingness; and everything felt so complete. But you were confused.

Where is my lover.

I wanted to bring him to heaven.

As if words had summoned a presence, your limp frame suddenly came to a halt as you landed in a sturdy pair of arms, the wind knocked from your inflated chest, causing an echoed wheeze. You coughed several times, before tilting your head upwards to meet a magical pair of cobalt eyes.


His hair had expanded to the length of his shoulders, a soft and golden mullet flowing in the winds of this peculiar afterlife. Your shaking hands searched his body, coming to a trembling rest upon his cold chest. He felt dead. But he looked so breathtakingly captivating. He had several sets of crisp white wings emitting from various limbs, including both sides of his head. He looked angelic, but carried a satanic aura of death and despair.

"You thought I'd leave? I just wanted us to be in the silence together."

"But you hate me!"

A smooth finger slid to your cracked lips, pursing them forcefully. You let your bloodied body relax, your legs falling limp against the dusty, unearthly ground. Ryo pulled you into a more comfortable position in his arms, leaning his head over your moonlit face.

Or, lit by whatever strange moon hung over this alien world of silence.

"Remember that time we made sandcastles at the beach with Akira? You were always so good at it. Yours would always come out looking so Immaculate. Akira's was always super funny, or at least had some level of charm to it. Mine never used to suffice. It was always some lumpy concoction of sand and dirt. But nevertheless, I used to sit and watch as you'd run off into the distant sunset with Akira, your feet splashing in the warm water, the silhouette of your hands gripping one another's. Jealousy used to coarse through me. But yet, I let it go on. Because I loved you too. And all this cruelty i have given you. Is because I wanted you all to myself."

"I killed you because I wanted us to be at serenity together, without him getting in the way all the time. And yes, I did care for Akira. I cared for him like a brother. But you, I loved. And it truly frustrated me to the core to watch you be friendly with him every day, when I didn't even know how to approach you properly."

"I was always pushed aside, excluded, ignored, disregarded; you name it. But all I ever wanted was you. You always looked so stunning on a summer's day. The blood orange sun would always soak your dewy skin with a stunning glow. Always light up that gaptooth of yours, and paint your grin with welcoming. But I never got to kiss those very lips that you present to me."

"I saw you two in the woods, playing truth or dare, and I saw that kiss when we were all fourteen. I know you did it as a platonic joke, but my heart shattered into a million pieces. I ran out of the forest crying. But then, I hated myself and yelled in the mirror to stop. Because crying is so weak. Like the human race. I'm not human. I'm something far greater."

"But you still didn't want me enough."

"But now, I have the world to explore with you, and we will be together forever; won't we?"

"Won't we, Y/n?"


"Don't mock me like this. I know you're angry, but-"

Your lips had drawn cold and your mouth had jolted open with a soft gasp of your last breath.

Ryo fell to your chest, screaming your name with excruciating pain littering his voice. Warm tears of regret poured down his cheeks, his hands slapping at your limp body in pure desperation, trying anything to get you breathing.

It was so silent. You smelled the cherry pies and heard the pretty birds chirping. But this time, you didn't wake up.

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