💛Avengers (Shifting Realities) 💛

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I sit down at the table in the compound. Oh my god. I did it. I fucking shifted. Oh fuck I'm nervous. What if I go into shock? What if Thanos rams me into a wall that was supposed to make me die? But I scripted I can't die? They're gonna know! Stephen Probably already knows. I'll just choke him out and destroy the Stone. Killing two birds with one stone, literally.

Wanda walks into the room with Nat not far behind her. They're so fucking hot. If I had a dick I would fuck them, consensually.

Nat sits beside me. "Hey Y/n." She says. "Hey." I say a little nervous. "Hello." Wanda says giving me a bottle of water and sitting down. "Show us some of your powers, if that's okay with you." Nat says. "Sure." I say. I open the bottle and pour the water on the table.

I study the water intently. The water waves into a ball and rises midair.

Oh my fucking god. My powers work. Oh god this is nerve wracking. Do something cool.

The water splits in two and floats to each of the girls' faces. They show reflections of Sight Seeings. Wanda's has A reflection of The Whole team laughing. Nat's is a reflection of what looks like a city.

I smile and the water floats back into the Bottle. "That was pretty cool." Nat smiles. "Thanks, I can Manipulate water and fire, I'm also A Messenger. It's a long story." I whisper the last part.

I hear laughing and slight arguing from around the corner. I look up and see Bucky and Sam arguing, and Pietro laughing at them. My heart starts to beat rapidly.

I would fuck them oh my god. I would go Nat, Bucky, Wanda, Pietro And then Sam.

I start fantasizing about getting absolutely DEMOLISHED by Nat and Wanda. Totally not at the same time....

They boys sit at the table and Wanda puts her hand on my thigh subtly. My breath shortens as I smile at the boys. "Hey." Sam says, playfully shoving Bucky. "Hi." I say. "How are you?" Pietro asks. "Good, how about you?" I ask, putting my elbow on the table and my head in my hand.

I feel Wanda's grip on my thigh tighten, Yup. Soaked. "I'm just fine." Pietro smiles. Wanda slides her hand farther up my thigh, almost to my heat. I put my arm down and sit back in my chair as we start talking.

Nat slides her hand in mine and traces the lines on my hand. She holds it firmly making me smile to myself.


I walk out of my bathroom with an oversized sweatshirt that I stole from Thor and shorts. I start looking for my bonnet and there's a knock at the door. "I'm sleep!" I yell. "Yea right, can I come in?" Nat asks. Oh shit. "Yea!" I yell. She opens the door. "Hey." She says shutting it subtly. "Hi." I smile. "I was talking with Wanda after 'conversation'." She says making me nervous. "Oh...well what about it?" I ask playing dumb.

"Planning some stuff with friends. You specifically." She says sitting on my bed with a smirk. "Oh?" I say. "Yea, so would you like to accompany Wanda and I to a trip to the beach?" She asks. "Sure, I thought you said you were planning stuff with friends. Plural." I say. "I also said you Specifically, you'll like it, I promise." She says. "That's one tight promise." I say sitting beside her. She shrugs with a smile. "It's tomorrow, so be ready." She says standing up. "I'm always ready." I smile. She laughs and leaves.

I flop on my bed after finding my bonnet. I sigh.

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