chapter twelve

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hi everyone! thanks for all the support. please note i am a student and can't update every single day! commenting 'update' will not help get a chapter out faster. it only stresses me out! but commenting stuff to do with the chapter and/or voting motivates me, so if anything please do that.

also, is there anything you'd like to see happen?! i'm always looking for ideas from you guys! anyway, enjoy the chapter <3


after a long day of classes, iduna, despite being tired and wanting to sleep, decides to support carlos and jay during fencing practice. she stands with jane and the cheerleading squad, looking down as the boys line up in preparation.

"you know, you should think about joining the cheerleading squad," jane mentions, "we're always looking for new people. and since track isn't in season, it's the perfect time!"

iduna chuckles, "jane, i am not the type of girl to be a cheerleader. i mean, i'm sure it'd be fun. but-"

"-but ava is on the team," jane sighs, mentioning the girl that wasn't currently here. "iduna, at some point you need to talk to her."

iduna huffs, "everyone keeps saying that." had anyone even thought about what it was like for her? seeing ava everyday was a reminder of her past.

luckily, the short conversation was dropped as a competitor overthrew everyone on the floor. iduna watched with wide eyes as jay was overpowered, and eventually, the mystery fencer was revealed to be lonnie.

"whoo!" iduna squeals, "what a badass!"

"you should put me on the team." lonnie says, puffing. chad gasps dramatically, "what? no no no, we'll be the laughing stock of the league. and what's gonna happen next? we'll have girls playing tourney? come on guys."

iduna frowns, frustrated. so what if girls played with guys? why should it be such a big deal?

as if reading her mind, jay speaks, "so?"

chad scoffs, "have you not read the rule book? section two, paragraph three: 'team with be comprised of a captain and eight men," you should read the rule book."

"okay, yeah, but you're down a man. you know since ben had to leave to do all that king stuff." lonnie argues.

"exactly, we're down a man." chad emphasises.

"i'm sorry. coach trusts me. i'm not gonna stay captain if i just throw out the rule book." jay tells her.

"if my mother thought that way, she would've lost the war." lonnie says, before sighing and walking away. iduna sighs as practice is called to be over. poor lonnie. jane and the cheerleaders move away from the balcony, leaving iduna by herself. she looks down at her phone as a text appears from evie: it's time for your fitting! hurry up!

iduna texts her back, telling her she'd be there as quickly as possible. "iduna! iduna, hey." carlos calls from below. iduna turns, her white hair resting on her shoulder as she stuffs her phone into her bag, "hey c, what's up?"

"not much. you?" carlos shrugs.

"honestly, way too much. ben's gift for mal for cotillion is taking up so much of my time. and i'm not even getting paid. ben said he's paying me with his friendship?" iduna sighs.

"yeah, that's a bummer, uh speaking of cotillion..." carlos says.

"-i know right? it's all anybody is talking about. cotillion 24/7. it's like they've never been to one before." iduna rants, fiddling with her nails.

"iduna, we haven't been to one." carlos slightly chuckles, confused.

the girl scoffs, "yeah, well. honestly, i could live without going to one. we should just skip the whole thing." carlos opens his mouth, struggling to find the right words to ask the girl to cotillion.

iduna's phone begins to buzz, and she picks it up, showing the call from evie. "evie needs me, sorry! see you later, okay?" she sends the boy a small smile, before turning and running in the direction of their dorm room.


iduna gasps as evie tightens the back of her dress, "woah e, some warning would be nice."

evie rolls her eyes, "stop being so dramatic. i want this dress to be the best one there because you're my best friend. besides my dress of course."

iduna chuckles, "of course."

evie steps back to admire her work. "it's practically finished!" she squeals, "all we need is a few final touches..." she brings out her sketchbook, flicking through a few pages before turning it to show iduna. "if you want, i was thinking we do a few icicles, and maybe even a tiara!"

iduna glances over the drawings, nodding in approval with a smile. "i love the idea. but maybe we should wait until the day before cotillion because using my powers when i'm stressed never turns out well.

evie frowns, placing her book back onto the table, "you're stressed? what's up?" she takes iduna's hands, leading her off of the platform as they sit on the bed.

iduna shrugs, "e, you're already swamped enough trying to make everyone's cotillion outfits. you shouldn't worry about me."

"d, like i said before, we're best friends. best friends tell each other their problems." evie says.

there's a pause before the girl speaks, "i just, i don't wanna mess things up." iduna sighs, glancing down at her hands.

"what things? you're doing great. iduna, when are you going to see yourself the way i see you?" evie comforts, placing her hands on top of idunas. iduna smiles at the blue haired girl, "what would i do without you, e?"

evie chuckles, "you'll always have me. and mal, carlos and jay. we're your family, remember?"

iduna nods, "i know. thank you, evie. now, can we take a break and go get some chocolate from the kitchen?"

evie laughs, "you read my mind."


iduna licks her lips, finishing the last of the chocolate bar as evie and her approach their dorm room. "i will never get tired of chocolate."

"i'm pretty sure auradon is running out of chocolate because of you and carlos." evie says, nibbling on the final piece of hers.

iduna unlocks their door, flopping down on her bed. "well i have to stay sane somehow. hey- what's that thing your mum used to say-"

"-oh my god." evie gasps. iduna sits up quickly, "what's wrong?"

evie, tears in her eyes, turns to iduna with a letter in her hand. "mal's gone back to the isle."

iduna stands up quickly, taking the note out of evie's hands. she reads it, eyes softening at mal's handwriting. "she also left this," evie holds her hand out, revealing the ring ben gave to mal six months ago.

"we need to tell ben."


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