The Great Escape

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Running through the forest isn't very easy according to most people. But right now she had no choice but to! Pain took over her whole body as she ran. Her legs greatly ached but she kept pushing forward, the branches of the trees smacked her and the wind violently slapped her face but she couldn’t care less. She had to get away from that horror house, the place that she fears, and her ideal nightmare house. Traumatizing her for life. She remembered it all. Everything. Down to the last detail. Every single body that was hanging from a single case, lifeless, organs free, while the blood was draining out slowly but surely. The chills she had when she walked through the freezers. Her eyes frantically searching everywhere in case something pops up at her. She wouldn’t be able to handle it if it happened. She remembered running down the stairs and falling to come in contact with the blood stained floor. The dim looking room with sparks of electricity flying everywhere. All the empty cases waiting to be filled with a poor unfortunate soul, who didn’t know what was coming their way. Her heavy panting was heard throughout the entire room. She slowly got up wincing in pain, dusting off her hands and started walking around trying not to make any noise as she quicken her pace looking around the room for some escape. All the she saw were flashbacks. The masked people circling around her with various types of tools. She remembered that one person coming up to her and pressing the medical knife to her skin on her stomach and slitting her open. Not bothering to give her something to numb the pain that took a travelling route throughout her body. As she lay on the examining table with the people dressed in light blue doctor suits, caressing her hair as she screamed in pain. She also vividly recall them taking something from inside of her and then stitching her back up with a needle and a thread that was burning her skin as it rubbed against and in her body. A burning sensation that she couldn’t block out. She remembered when the left and came back to what felt like an hour later to sharpened a blade with something she couldn’t make out clearly. After hearing the scraping noise for a few minutes straight, the lights were turned off and the door was shut with a click. It was quiet for another two hours. This was it. She had to make her escape then. Her whole body was sweaty and wet so it was easy to slip out of the bounds that were holding her down but it wasn’t that easy. The struggle to take her hands out forced her to try to wiggle free which caused pain to her stomach as it was freshly cut open and the stitches were burning her skin as it rubbed against her. It made her hiss in pain. But she finally came free. She stood up with a yelp of pain but she tried to muffle it with her hand. Tears flowed down her face as she took one step to the door but she had to hold the nearby table to support herself. She then began to walk with this newly found pain. She limped to the door just to find it locked. She growled with anger and slammed her fist against the table. It made a rattling noise which caused her eyes to avert to thee direction it came from. She saw a variety of different medical tools. An idea struck her. She frantically searched around the tables for something really sharp to try to open the doors. Knives!  She grabbed the biggest knife she could find and jammed it between the doors with shaking hands. When I wasn’t budging, she tried again and again with more force in each swing. Very soon the door swung open but it wasn’t by her force. On the other side of the door, stood a worker. And there she stood, arms elevated above her head with the knife pointed towards the now open door. Both of them stared at each other wide eyed expressions. But before the worker could react to what was going on, she swung her hand downwards and repeatedly stabbed him on his shoulder. She kept on swinging until his body lay limp on the ground, lifeless. Blood was squirted on her face and her body. It was all over the ground and the walls. Even on the ceiling somehow… the knife was bloodied and so were her hands. A horrified scream was etched on his frozen face. That facial expression that will stay on his face, maybe, for forever.  With shaking hands and staggering breath, she dropped the crimson blade and let out a blood curing scream, fresh tears streaming down her face. Her hands stretched out, away from her body, as she shook it about trying to get the blood off her. Then she heard footsteps coming her way. She snapped her head in the direction the noise was coming from and out of instinct, she began to run. She ran and ran until she fell down a staircase. Falling to come in contact with the blood stained floor.

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