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The sunlight came into my eyes, waking me up from a dream about Tristan.

I groaned and got up, opening my windows. As soon as I let the fresh air in trough my windows I got filled in with so many positive thoughts.

Today was going to be the start of something amazing, perhaps of a new journey.

I wasn't usually a morning person. Trust me, I mean it. Usually, when I wake up I have this negative energy that I can't even explain.

But today was going to be different, I genuinely felt happy even if I just got woken up from a dream about Tristan.

Maybe it was just because I was going to turn twenty today which has been one of my dreams since I was a child for some weird reason.

I turned around to look at Tristan Evans' poster that was stuck on my wall, right next to my The Vamps poster. Even just looking at them was making me be the happiest version of myself.

I loved each member with all my heart, all of them were the most amazing people to ever exist.

But something just pulled me towards Tris. He was just my type with his deep blue eyes and golden hair also with his humor.

His was literally flawless, he could make me smile and laugh by only saying one single word.

I got up and went to my wardrobe. Today was my birthday so I wanted to wear something better than, well what I usually would wear.

I wore my blue polka dot dress as blue was my comfort color.

Since I was a little kid looking at blue always made me feel calm and happy no matter what the situation was.

I went downstairs after I got ready, confused that no one knocked on my door to wish me a happy birthday.

I felt a big smile appearing on my face as soon as I came into the living room though.

There were two balloons that wrote two and zero on them, twenty.

The room was covered with celebration decorations and there was a waffle on the table, twenty was written on it with some Nutella.

My family appeared from my back then. "iyi ki doğdun ( happy birthday )" They all said at the same time and I hugged them all, smiling more then ever.

"Waffle ı senin için yaptım sevdin mi? ( I made the waffle for you, did you like it? )" My almost baby brother, Arda asked as I got him up on my arms.

"Çok güzel olmuş, teşekkürler ( it's beautiful, thank you )" I laughed and spinned him around in the air, making him laugh too.

"Sana hediye aldık ( We got a present for you )" My dad said as my mum covered my eyes with her hands after I put my brother down, laughing.

I got curious for what they baught me, could today even get better?

My mum finally opened my eyes. My dad was holding a The Vamps ticket for london in his hand in front of me, the other hand holding a plane ticket for London.

Woah, I couldn't believe that my dreams were finally coming true.

Today really got so much better.

I held back my tears as I realized that it was VIP, I was finally going to be able to meet The Vamps.

"Hayatımda aldığım en güzel hediye ( this is the best present that I ever got )" I still couldn't believe my eyes.

I started crying of happiness and hugged them both as my mum tried to wipe my tears away but it wasn't really possible for me to stop crying after this present.

"Sena her şey feda ( anything for your happiness )" My mum said, she always understood how much I loved The Vamps and how much they mean to me.

"Hazırlan, Kelly geliyo ( get ready Kelly is coming )" My dad said, smiling.

I nodded and gave my brother and my parents another hug.

I sat down and started to eat the waffle that they made for me, it was truly the best waffle that I ever tasted.

I went back into my room after I finished it to wait for Kelly to arrive, she has been my best friend for years now.

The door bell rang and I ran to it to open it, excited to see her.

We started to jump up and down as soon as we saw each other.

"We are going to meet The Vamps oh my gosh" She said with her beautiful English accent.

"Oh my gosh you are coming too??" I excitedly asked, trying not to cry again.

"Duh you can't meet The Vamps without me, you don't even know how to drive" She laughed.

"Back off, I can learn" I laughed at her comment as I remembered how shitty I drove once that I hitted a tree.

We went into my room to plan the holiday and how we were going to meet The Vamps.

"Okay so I think we should first take a flight and then I can rent a car to drive us to our hotel from there" Kelly suggested as I agreed.

"Do we know which hotel we will be staying at?" I asked, curious. She nodded and said the the name of the hotel as I googled it.

Wow, it was truly beautiful. It looked like a fucking mension.

"So what do you think?" She grinned. "Well it's so beautiful but how are we supposed to effort that?" I sighed.

"Girl you sometimes forget how rich my parents are" She responded, trying to reassure me.

"I know but it wouldn't be fair if only you payed for it you know" I looked down. "Dont worry about it idiot" She laughed as I nodded, smiling.

"Okay everything is ready for tomorrow but your suitcase" She said and got up, starting to look trough my wardrobe.

"Only your cutest outfits can be accepted" She added as I laughed.

"Why are you laughing? Maybe you will meet Tristan and actually have a chance to make him fall for you" She looked at me as I started laughing.

"You love saying the impossible sometimes, dont you" I continued laughing as she just rolled her eyes and continued making my suitcase.

She finally putted all of my outfits that she found cute into my orange suitcase and closed it.

"We are all set"

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