Cover Up

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Sapnap rubbed his eyes and stretched as he woke up. He turned his body over to his phone to see that the time read 8:30 am. Mindlessly scrolling through Instagram, Sapnap allowed his brain to fully wake up for a minute before going to get ready. He was up early expecting to go take George out to see the town. Sapnap surfed the web searching for cafes close by hoping to go out with his friends for a morning coffee. After some time Sapnap got out of bed to go wake George, and to his surprise the bed was empty. In fact, it looked like no one had been in the bed at all night. "George?" Sapnap said out loud. He stood up and went to the bathroom. Empty. He went to the guest bathroom down the hall. Empty. "Hey, George!" He yelled. Confusion hit like a wave as Sapnap searched around for his new housemate. 

George awoke to the sound of Sapnap yelling. His head jerked up as he tried to process where the sound was coming from exactly. 

"Oh my god- Dream. Dream wake up!" George said with slight panic in his voice. The two had unexpectedly fallen asleep together in Dream's bed in each other's arms, and neither of them had a sense of what time they even fell asleep. 

"George what is it?" Dream said with a grogy voice. He rubbed his eyes and saw George's worried face. He sat up straight to look at George. "What?" He said more serious this time. 

"Shh. Sapnap is right outside the hall. We can't let him know what happened." George said in a hushed voice. If Sapnap saw Dream and George in bed together, he knew it would mean trouble.

"Oh shit." Dream said scrambling out of the twisted bed sheets. "Just get up and act like you came in here to borrow something." He said. Dream scanned the room and finally found his deodorant. "George. Catch." Dream said tossing it to him. George grabbed it and quickly got out of bed trying to look less suspicious. He flattened his messy hair with his hands, and adjusted his shirt before calling out for Sapnap. 

"Sapnap!" George yelled. "I'm in here!"

Sapnap creaked the door open looking at his friends awkwardly standing in the room together. He eyed George and said, "George what are you even doing in here. I woke up and you were gone. You're bed was made and everything."

"Well he was just in here borrowing my deodorant." Dream butted in. George and Dream smiled at Sapnap trying to recover the uncomfortable situation. 

"Yeah I must have lost mine or something." George said with a shrug trying to play it cool. 

"Okay, but then why are you shirtless." Sapnap said with a chuckle to Dream. 

George's eyes widened and he looked over at Dream waiting for his response. George prayed he could come up with an excuse to get Sapnap off their backs. 

"I was just sleeping and it got hot." Dream said. He started laughing to cover up his apprehensiveness. "Who are you? My mom?" 

Sapnap rolled his eyes. "Whatever. You two are acting weird. You have been since yesterday, but who cares. I was thinking we could go down to the cafe for breakfast this morning."

Dream and George nodded and didn't move until they were sure Sapnap was gone. The two burst out with quiet laughter, relieved that he was gone. George walked up to Dream.

"Well that was a close one." Dream said. 

"Too close." George said still smiling. He kissed Dream before he left the room to get dressed. Dream had a dorky smile pasted on his face. He couldn't believe they got away with that. 

Dream and George's connection was growing, but they still weren't sure in which direction. Sapnap was already on to them, but it's not like they were dating. Dream and George just so happened to be keeping a huge secret, but nothing was official. 

Dream liked the feeling of being around George. He felt as if he was on a roller coaster: going up and down and screaming with you hands in the air. It was exciting and so new for Dream to be with a guy, though it made him question a lot about himself. Dream had never questioned his sexuality until now. Thoughts like that simply never occurred to him making his relationship with George confusing. He brushed his thoughts aside and got dressed. He didn't have time to worry about this right now. Dream threw some clothes, and got ready to head out.

George was hesitant to go be in the same room as Sapnap. He knew how suspicious his friend was of him, and George wanted to avoid any and all awkward conversation. He slowly walked in the bedroom avoiding eye contact with Sapnap. He grabbed fresh clothes and got dressed and ready in the bathroom. 

While George was brushing his teeth, Sapnap came to join him in the bathroom. Sapnap was glaring at George with a sly smirk. "What the fuck was that, dude." Sapnap chuckled. 

George smiled and acted as if he knew nothing. "What do you mean?"

"Oh come on. Do you think I'm dumb? You and Dream are totally up to something." Sapnap said, grabbing the toothpaste out of George's hand. 

"Hey! I need that." George exclaimed.

"Answer the question, you idiot!"

George started laughing nervously. "I have no idea what you're talking about." 

Sapnap rolled his eyes and ran his toothbrush under the water. George rushed out of the bathroom and headed into the living room to wait for his friends to go to breakfast. In the living room was Dream sitting alone on the couch. 

"Are we just waiting on Sapnap?" Dream said.

"Yeah. He's really on to us." George said with a smirk.

Dream started laughing at this. "Well whatever. There's not much to find out about us."

"Yeah it's not like we're a couple or anything."

Hearing George say that made Dream stop smiling. For some reason that was hard to hear. He wasn't sure if he wanted to date George, but hearing that made it feel like they had less of a chance. 

George sat down next to Dream on the couch and pulled out his phone while waiting. 

"Alright I'm ready." Sapnap said as he walked into the room. Dream and George stood up ready to head out. 

"Okay let's go!" George said with a smile. Not an awkward smile this time. He wasn't hiding anything, but instead he was genuinely excited to see the city. 

The three headed out the door, and walked 4 blocks to the coffee shop not too far from the house. The air was cold on the crisp Winter morning. Trees were starting to blossom as Spring was right around the corner waiting to set the city into full bloom. They took their time walking as George took in the unfamiliar scenery around him. He enjoyed seeing the big city aspects of everything. Compared to his old town in England, this city was much bigger, and had more people walking the streets than he was used to.

The three turned a corner to find themselves at the coffee shop. Inside was remotely empty and it smelled of ground coffee beans, and freshly baked pastries. The morning was quiet and peaceful, just as the trio had hoped. Dream and Sapnap intended on spending the next few months settling George in, and giving him the life in America he's always dreamed of having. 


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